CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Barometer Soup (P)

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Angela Pinnington (UK)
Barometer Soup - Jimmy Buffett
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1-4Rock back left, recover right, step forward left, hold
5-8Step right ¼ turn right, (facing OLOD), step left to side, (joining hands across), step right behind, hold
9-12Step left to side, step right over left, (release trailing hands. pass leading hands over lady's head), step left to side, (join hands in Indian Position), hold
13-16Gentle lunge onto right with ¼ turn left to look at lady, (release left hand), recover back into Indian Position, (pick up hands), cross right over left, hold
17-20Step left back with ¼ turn left, (facing LOD), close right, (into Sweetheart Position), step left forward, hold
21-24Step right, left, on the spot, step right forward, hold
Release left hands. Pass right hands over lady's head turning her to face RLOD. Rejoin hands across
25-28Rock forward left, recover right, step back left, hold
29-32Rock back right, recover left, step forward right, hold
33-36Step left forward, close right, touch left, hold
Do not release hands. Pass over lady's head into wrap position
37-40Rock onto left, recover right, cross left over right, hold
41-44Rock right, recover left, touch right, hold
Release man's left lady's right hands. Turn lady full turn outwards. Held hands at waist level. To open promenade position
45-48Rock right forward, recover left, step right back, hold


1-4Rock back right, recover left, step forward right, hold

5-8Step left ¼ turn left, (facing ILOD), step right to side, step left behind, hold
9-12Step right forward with ¼ turn right, (facing LOD), step left to side with ¼ turn right, (facing OLOD), (release trailing hands. Pass leading hands over lady's head)
13-16Gentle lunge onto left with ¼ turn right to look at man, (release left hand), recover back into Indian Position, (pick up hands), cross left over right, hold
17-20Step right back with ¼ turn left, (facing LOD), close left, (into Sweetheart Position), step right forward, hold
21-24Step left with ¼ turn left, (facing ILOD), step right back with ¼ turn left, (facing RLOD), step left back, hold
Release left hands. Pass right hands over lady's head. Rejoin hands across
25-28Rock back right, recover left, step forward right, hold
29-32Rock forward left, recover right, step back left, hold
33-36Step right back, step left with ¼ turn left, (facing OLOD), step right with ¼ turn left, (facing LOD), hold
Do not release hands. Pass over lady's head into wrap position
37-40Rock onto left, recover right, cross left over right, hold
41-44Vine right with full turn stepping right, left, right, hold
Release lady's right/man's left hands. Held hands at waist level. To open promenade position
45-48Rock left forward, recover right, step left back, hold



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