1-2Step right to side, step left beside right.
3-4Step right to side, step left behind & slightly to right of right (in a rock motion).
5-6Step left to side, step right beside left.
7-8Step left to side, step right behind & slightly to left of left (in a rock motion).
9-10Step forward right then left touching heel first then toe (walking steps).
11-14Kick right forward, step back right, bring left up, step left beside right.
15-16Step right forward, pivot ½ turn to left.
17-32Repeat steps 1-16.
33-36Grapevine right, touch left beside right.
37-40Grapevine left, touch right beside left.
41-42Step right to side, touch left beside right and clap.
43-44Step left to side, touch right beside left and clap.
45-48Repeat steps 41-44.
3-4Step right to side, step left behind & slightly to right of right (in a rock motion).
5-6Step left to side, step right beside left.
7-8Step left to side, step right behind & slightly to left of left (in a rock motion).
9-10Step forward right then left touching heel first then toe (walking steps).
11-14Kick right forward, step back right, bring left up, step left beside right.
15-16Step right forward, pivot ½ turn to left.
17-32Repeat steps 1-16.
33-36Grapevine right, touch left beside right.
37-40Grapevine left, touch right beside left.
41-42Step right to side, touch left beside right and clap.
43-44Step left to side, touch right beside left and clap.
45-48Repeat steps 41-44.