CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Believe It

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Justine Shuttleworth (AUS) & Terry Hogan (AUS)
You Better Believe It - Jason Sellers
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1-2Step right foot backward, hook left foot across in front of right shin

1-2Step left forward, drag-slide right foot forward toward left
&3Step on ball of right foot beside left, step left forward
&4Step on ball of right foot beside left, step left forward
5-6Rock-step right forward, rock backward onto left
&Make ½ turn right on ball of left foot hooking right foot across left shin
7&8Shuffle forward right-left-right
9-10Step left forward, make ¼ pivot turn right taking weight onto right foot
11Twist to make ¼ turn left taking weight onto left foot
&12Step right forward, make ¼ pivot turn left taking weight onto left foot
13-14Step right across in front of left foot, step left to the side
&Step on ball of right foot slightly backward and to the right side
15-16Step left across in front of right, step right foot to the side leaving left foot in place
17-18Push hips to the right, push hips left taking weight onto left foot and sliding right foot toward left (feet should be apart)
&-19Step on ball of right foot beside left, step left forward
&-20Step on ball of right foot beside left, step left forward
21-22Rock-step right foot forward, rock backward onto left
&23Make ½ turn right on ball of left foot and step right foot forward, make ½ turn right on ball of right foot and step left foot backward
&24Repeat previous counts &23 (3:00)
Counts &23&24 turn a total of 2 full turns to the right, and are quite fast. You will need to keep the feet close together to manage this move comfortably. An easier alternative is it do only one full turn, counting as "23,24" and doing ½ turn on each step
25-26Step right foot backward, hold drawing left foot toward right
&Step left beside right foot
27Step right forward leaving left foot in place
28Twist on balls of feet to make ½ turn left
29Twist on balls of feet to make ½ turn right
30Twist on balls of feet to make ½ turn left
&Step left foot backward
31Make ½ turn right on ball of left foot and step right foot forward (toward 3:00 wall)
For these twists, it may be more comfortable doing less than ½ turn for the 2nd and 3rd twists. Simply think of turning to the diagonals of your starting wall. Just remember which wall you have to step backward toward on count 31
32Make ¼ turn right on ball of right foot sliding ball of left foot in an arc to finish beside right foot


After the 2nd wall (you will be facing front when you start and also when you finish this tag)

1-16Dance counts 1-16 as normal

17Push hips to the right making ¼ turn left
Weight should be on right foot
18Hook left foot in front of right shin


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