1-2Touch right toe forward, touch right toe to right
3&4Right sailor step (behind, side, replace)
5-6Touch left toe forward, touch left toe to left
7&8Left sailor step (behind, side, replace)
9&10Right forward shuffle (step, close, step)
11&12Left forward shuffle making half turn over right shoulder
13-14Rock back on right foot, recover onto left foot
15&16Right kick-ball-change
17&18Right forward shuffle (step, close, step)
19&20Left forward shuffle (step, close, step)
21-22Step forward on right foot, pivot quarter turn to left
23&24Right kick-ball-change
25-26Rock forward on right foot, recover onto left foot
27&28Right shuffle making half turn over right shoulder
29-30Rock forward on left foot, recover onto right foot
31&32Left coaster step (back, together, forward) *
On counts 31&32 you can replace the coaster with a triple step making a full turn on left, right, left, leaving the right foot free to start the dance again
The dance ends on counts 15&16 on the kick-ball-change. As this ends exactly with the music, replace the kick-ball-change with a kick-ball-stomp, stomping the left foot forward and spreading the arms out as a finishing pose.
3&4Right sailor step (behind, side, replace)
5-6Touch left toe forward, touch left toe to left
7&8Left sailor step (behind, side, replace)
9&10Right forward shuffle (step, close, step)
11&12Left forward shuffle making half turn over right shoulder
13-14Rock back on right foot, recover onto left foot
15&16Right kick-ball-change
17&18Right forward shuffle (step, close, step)
19&20Left forward shuffle (step, close, step)
21-22Step forward on right foot, pivot quarter turn to left
23&24Right kick-ball-change
25-26Rock forward on right foot, recover onto left foot
27&28Right shuffle making half turn over right shoulder
29-30Rock forward on left foot, recover onto right foot
31&32Left coaster step (back, together, forward) *
On counts 31&32 you can replace the coaster with a triple step making a full turn on left, right, left, leaving the right foot free to start the dance again
The dance ends on counts 15&16 on the kick-ball-change. As this ends exactly with the music, replace the kick-ball-change with a kick-ball-stomp, stomping the left foot forward and spreading the arms out as a finishing pose.