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Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy!

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Max Perry (USA)
Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy - Bette Midler
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This is a completely choreographed routine with very little repetition and starts with the very first beat of music from the intro on, and it extremely fast!
1-4Stand at attention & salute facing 1/8 left of center with right hand saluting, left hand on waist
5Still holding the salute pose twist both toes 1/8 right to face center
1-2Step back with right toe, drop right heel
3-4Step back with left toe, drop left heel
5-8Repeat 1-4
With fingers snaps (elbows at sides, arms on front)
1-8Four ¼ turns left with swiveling action of the feet (they will swivel out as you do the turns), stepping right forward-toe turned out & turning ¼ left, step in place with left foot-toe turned out-end up facing original starting wall (12:00)
1-8Bend forward slightly from the waist-still looking at the audience and pump arms up and down
Arms straight ahead slight bend, right arm will move up as left moves down, hands in fists
1-2Stand tall & extend arms out at sides angled downward slightly & lift right left (straight out to right), step right next to left
3-4Lift left leg out to left side, step left next to right
5-8Repeat 1-4
Your palms will face down (total of 4 leg lifts)
1&2Kick right forward, step right next left, step in place with left
3&4Right kick ball change
5&6Right kick ball change
7&8Right kick ball change (arms are relaxed)
1&2Right shuffle to right side stepping right-left-right (arms out at sides)
3-4Rock left back in 5th position (arms will cross in front of the body), step in place with right (arms uncross and start to extend outwards again)
5&6Left shuffle to left side stepping left-right-left (arms out at sides)
7-8Rock right back in 5th position, step in place with left
1&2-3-4Repeat previous 1-4
5-6-7-8Turn ¼ left and step left forward, turn ½ left and step right back, turn ¼ left and step left to left side, touch right next to left
1&2Right shuffle back (right-left-right)
3&4Left shuffle back (left-right-left)
5&6Right shuffle back (right-left-right)
7-8Step left next to right, jump with feet together
1-2Step right forward-toe turned out, step left forward toe turned out (swiveling walks)
3&4Kick right forward, step right next to left, step left in place
5&6Repeat 3&4
7-8Step right forward-toe turned out, step left forward toe turned out (swiveling walks)
1-8Four forward swiveling walks (sugar foot) while holding right hand in a salute (step right forward, hold, step left forward, hold, step right forward, hold, step left forward, hold)
1-2-3-4Relax arms and step right forward, hold, cross left over right, hold
5-6Unwind turning 1 full turn right
7-8Spin 1 more revolution right with weight on right foot (but holding left foot next to right so it looks like spin is on both feet, 2 spins total)
1&2-3-4Left shuffle forward (left-right-left), kick right foot forward twice (loose kick from knee)
You should angle your body slightly so you are still facing the audience slightly, even though your feet are moving to the 9:00 wall
5&6-7-8Right shuffle back (right-left-right), rock left back, step in place right
1-8Four toe-heel back steps curving a total of ¼ right (you will go from facing to the 9:00 wall to face the 12:00 wall)
Start curving on the 2nd step back-step right back with the toe, flat, step back with left toe, flat, repeat. You can snap fingers holding both arms in front of body with elbows at sides
1-8Four sharp ¼ turns done in a "military" style-step right forward & turn ¼ left, step left in place, repeat 3 more times (end up again facing 12:00)
&1&2Step right forward, step left next to right (arms will be low and crossed), step right back, step left next to right (arms uncross and flat against sides key words in the music are "a root.....a toot")
3-4("A tootle e atta toot...") stand with feet together & rock right shoulder up and back, roll left shoulder up and back (arms still at sides)
&5&6Step right forward, step left next to right (arms will be low and crossed), step right back, step left next to right (arms will uncross and flat against sides key words "eight to the bar...")
&7&8Step right to right side (small step), step left to left side (small step, arms out at sides and angled downward), step right home to center, step left next to right (left arm will be at waist, and the right hand will salute key words: "in boogie rhythm...")
1-2-3Brush kick right side & slightly diagonally forward, brush right back at angle, step right back (arms out at sides, angle down, relaxed, palms down)
4-5-6Brush kick left forward and out at an angle, brush left back, step left back
7-8Brush kick right forward, brush right back
Note: These are very low kicks so that the foot just brushes or sweeps the floor forward and back. They can't be too large due to the speed of the music. The arms stay out throughout the pattern
1-8Four toe heel back steps (step right toe back, flat, step left toe back, flat, repeat) (with snaps)
1-2Step right forward, turn ¼ left and step left in place
3-8Repeat 3 more times
Notes: this time you will act like you are playing a trombone holding the arms like you are moving the slide of the trombone low then high, so you will bend slightly from the waist as you are doing the four ¼ turns
1-8Eight short steps forward right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left
These are very tiny steps. You will bend both knees slightly as you step forward. Pretend you are going down the steps into the basement. As you move forward the arms are
1-2Slap thighs twice
3-8Bring right hand up to salute and continue past the hat brim for a sweeping circular gesture for counts 3-8
1-8Short quick back steps right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left
Bend knees slightly as you are stepping back, right arm (elbow bent and hand in front of you) snapping fingers as you step back-moving arm slightly up and down as you snap
1&2Step right next to left, rock left to left side with ball of foot, step in place with right
3&4Step left next to right, step right to right side with ball of foot, step in place with left
5&6-7&8Repeat 1-4
This is a step together ball change-move forward slightly as you dance this
9&10-11&12Repeat 1-4
13&14-15&16Repeat 1-4
1-2-3-4Step right diagonally forward, slide left up to right, step right diagonally forward, slide left up to right
5-6-7-8Step left diagonally toward left, slide right up to left, step left diagonally forward, slide right up to left
1-2-3-4Step right diagonally forward turning right toes out (swivel), hold, step left diagonally forward turning left toes out (swivel), hold
You may think of this as a slow, slow
5-6-7-8Swivel right to right side toes turned out, left to left side toes turned out, repeat
1-2Step right in place letting left leg to extend backward as you step onto the right foot, step left in place letting the right leg extend backward as you step onto the left
3-8Repeat 1-2 three more times
1-2-3-4Step right toe back, lower right heel & snap, step left toe back, lower left heel
5-6-7-8Repeat 1-4

&1&2Step right to right side & slightly back, touch left heel slightly to left side, step left in place, cross right over left
&3&4Step left to left side & slightly back, touch right heel to right side, step right in place, cross left over right
&5-8Repeat counts &1-4
1-8Kick right forward, kick left forward, kick right forward, kick left forward
These are fast "jive" kicks-keep them loose-you will hop onto left foot & kick the right, etc. Just remember there is a strong bounce or hop on the steps
1&2-3&4Right shuffle forward (right-left-right), left shuffle forward (left-right-left)
5-6-7-8Kick right forward, step right next to left, kick left forward, step left next to right
1&2-3&4Turn ¼ left as you right shuffle forward, left shuffle forward (9:00)
5-6-7-8Kick right forward, step right next to left, kick left forward, step left next to right
1&2-3&4Turn ¼ left as you right shuffle forward, left shuffle forward (6:00)
5-6-7-8Kick right forward, step right next to left, kick left forward, step left next to right
1&2-3&4Turn ¼ left as you right shuffle forward, left shuffle forward (3:00)
5-6-7-8Kick right forward, step right next to left, kick left forward, step left next to right
1&2-3&4Turn ¼ left as you right shuffle forward, left shuffle forward (3:00)
5-6-7-8Kick right forward, step right next to left, kick left forward, step left next to right
1-8Step right to right side, bend both knees & shimmy moving body (not feet) from right to left & standing up by count 8
1&2-3-4Right shuffle to right side (right-left-right) rock left back, step in place right (like the start of the routine)
5&6-7-8Left shuffle to let side (left-right-left), rock right back, step in place left
1&2-3-4Right shuffle to right side (right-left-right), rock left back, step in place right
5-6-7-8Turn ¼ left & step left forward, turn ½ left and step right back, turn ¼ left and step left to left side, touch right next to left
1&2-3-4Right shuffle back, step left to left side, touch right next to left
1-2-3&4Swivel right toe to right & step, swivel left toe to left, right kick ball change
5&6-7-8Right kick ball change, swivel right & step, swivel left & step
1-8Step right forward with toe turned out to right, hold, step left forward with left toe turned out, hold, repeat for a total of 4 walks forward
Left hand at waist at pocket or belt right hand up in a "stop" motion, letting the fingers relax with an open hand-palm toward audience, with a waving action on the 4 walk forward
1-2-3-4Step right forward, hold, cross left over right, hold
Your right hand will be at a salute, left arm at waist and look to the right
5Switch weight onto left foot and extend right toe to right side
6-7Bounce left heel for counts
8Hook right behind left on count 8
Your left hand will salute and right arm will go at waist and look to the left
1-2-3-4Kick right forward & at an angle to right, step right next to left and hook left behind right
3-4Kick left forward and to the left, step left near right and hook right behind left
5-6-7-8Repeat the kicks
1-8Step right forward, hold, cross, left over right, hold, step right back, hold, step left to left side, hold
1-8Repeat jazz box
&1Step right next to left, point left toe to left side
&5Step left next to right, point right toe to right side
You will do the same salute and look to the side as you did earlier. Salute with right hand when standing on right foot and so on
&1&2Step right next to left, point left toe to left side, step left next to right, point right to right side
&3-8Repeat &1-2 three more times
1Cross right behind left
2-3-4Unwind turning 1 full turn right
5-6-7-8Hold with right hand in a salute, then extend right arm up and out on last beat of music


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