1-4Jump forward with your hands in the air, pointing your finger toward the sky, and shake your body four beats (or one beat for jump and shake 3 beats)
5-8Jump back with your hands pointing to the ground, and shake your body four beats (or one beat for jump and shake 3 beats). I tell them to bend forward while they do this.
9-12Lean to the right and pretend you're hitchhiking with your thumb (I suggest they turn just a little to the left as they lean to the right and put a lot of movement in their arm and hips ("make it sexy if you want to get picked up")
13-16Reverse and do the hitchhike to the left
This is the hardest part of the dance
17-20Right forward rock step and right shuffle (step forward on your right foot and back on your left foot. Do a right triple step (right-left-right)
21-24Left forward rock step and left shuffle
25-32Weight is on left foot after left shuffle. Turn ¼ to the left as you step backward on your right foot (that's count 25) and simply walk backward seven more steps (that's a total of eight steps backward)
5-8Jump back with your hands pointing to the ground, and shake your body four beats (or one beat for jump and shake 3 beats). I tell them to bend forward while they do this.
9-12Lean to the right and pretend you're hitchhiking with your thumb (I suggest they turn just a little to the left as they lean to the right and put a lot of movement in their arm and hips ("make it sexy if you want to get picked up")
13-16Reverse and do the hitchhike to the left
This is the hardest part of the dance
17-20Right forward rock step and right shuffle (step forward on your right foot and back on your left foot. Do a right triple step (right-left-right)
21-24Left forward rock step and left shuffle
25-32Weight is on left foot after left shuffle. Turn ¼ to the left as you step backward on your right foot (that's count 25) and simply walk backward seven more steps (that's a total of eight steps backward)