1-2-3-4Roll forward over 4 counts
5-6-7-8Roll backwards over 4 counts
9-10Slap right hand then left on arm of chair
11-12Repeat moves 9-10
13-14-15-16Roll backwards over 4 counts
17-18Point left hand forward twice
19-20Point left thumb back over left shoulder twice
21-22-23-24Roll chair 1 ¼ turn to left over 4 counts
5-6-7-8Roll backwards over 4 counts
9-10Slap right hand then left on arm of chair
11-12Repeat moves 9-10
13-14-15-16Roll backwards over 4 counts
17-18Point left hand forward twice
19-20Point left thumb back over left shoulder twice
21-22-23-24Roll chair 1 ¼ turn to left over 4 counts