Beginner two step
1-4Right vine with a hitch
5-8Left vine with a touch
9-12Double hip right, double hip left
13-16Hips right, left, right, left
17-20Forward right shuffle, step left recover
21-24Back shuffle, rock back recover
25-28Forward right shuffle, step left ½ turn
29-32Forward left shuffle, stomp right foot, clap
33-36Point right, left, right and hold
37-40Point left, right, left and hold
41-44Rock right forward and rock right back
45-48Step ¼ turn, step ½ turn
5-8Left vine with a touch
9-12Double hip right, double hip left
13-16Hips right, left, right, left
17-20Forward right shuffle, step left recover
21-24Back shuffle, rock back recover
25-28Forward right shuffle, step left ½ turn
29-32Forward left shuffle, stomp right foot, clap
33-36Point right, left, right and hold
37-40Point left, right, left and hold
41-44Rock right forward and rock right back
45-48Step ¼ turn, step ½ turn