Sequence: A, 8 count tag, A (counts 1-32), AAA, 16 count tag, A to end
1-2-3Step forward on right foot; step forward on left foot; step forward on right foot
4Complete a full turning spiral turn to the left (in place), weight remains on right foot
5-6Touch left toe forward, pushing left hip forward; reach a little further forward with left toe, pushing left hip forward
7-8Rock back onto right foot; rock forward onto left foot
1&2Step forward on right foot; pivot ¼ turn to left, taking weight on left foot; cross (step) right foot in front of left foot
3&4Step left foot to left side; step right foot across and behind left foot; step left foot to left side in an open lunge position (knees bent, feet shoulder width apart, weight on left foot)
5-6Make a ¼ turn to left on left foot and step forward on right foot at the same time; make ½ turn left keeping weight on right foot
7&8Left lead coaster step (left back, right together, left forward)
1&2Triple forward right, left, right
3-4Touch left toe out to left side; bring left foot next to right foot bending knees slightly, weight is evenly distributed
5-6From the waist down, twist ¼ turn left; twist to the right, making a ½ turn right and taking weight onto right foot
7-8Forward motion body roll, keeping weight on right foot
1&2Triple forward left, right, left
3-4Touch right toe to right side; make a ½ turn to the right on left foot, bringing right foot next to left with no weight (Monterey turn)
5-6Step right foot to right side (for style, you could complete a side motion body roll); kick left foot across the right leg
7-8Step left foot next to right foot, bumping hips left twice
1&2On a 45 degree angle right, complete a triple step in place - right, left, right
3-4Skate on angle to left, skate right making a ¼ turn to right
5&6Step forward on left foot; pivot ¾ turn right transferring weight to right foot; point left foot to left side
7-8Bump left hip to left twice, while transferring weight to left foot
1&2Cross right foot in front of left; step left foot to left side; cross right foot in front of left (crossed triple step)
3-4Complete a ½ turn to the left (unwind), ending with weight on right foot; lift left knee into figure 4
5-6Step left foot to left side; step right foot to left foot
7&8Triple side left, right, left
For style on 5-8, you can use contra body motion, to simulate shoulder lifts, like in Dangerous
1-8Complete a full turn to the left on left foot doing 8 mini paddle turns
1-2-3-4Make a ¼ turn to right, stepping forward on right foot; step forward on left foot; step forward on right foot; step forward on left foot
5Make a ¼ turn to left, stepping right foot to right side, bump right hip to right side
6-7-8Bump left hip to left side; bump right hip to right side twice, taking weight onto right foot
9-16Complete the above 8 counts exactly opposite (i.e. Left for right etc)
1-2-3Step forward on right foot; step forward on left foot; step forward on right foot
4Complete a full turning spiral turn to the left (in place), weight remains on right foot
5-6Touch left toe forward, pushing left hip forward; reach a little further forward with left toe, pushing left hip forward
7-8Rock back onto right foot; rock forward onto left foot
1&2Step forward on right foot; pivot ¼ turn to left, taking weight on left foot; cross (step) right foot in front of left foot
3&4Step left foot to left side; step right foot across and behind left foot; step left foot to left side in an open lunge position (knees bent, feet shoulder width apart, weight on left foot)
5-6Make a ¼ turn to left on left foot and step forward on right foot at the same time; make ½ turn left keeping weight on right foot
7&8Left lead coaster step (left back, right together, left forward)
1&2Triple forward right, left, right
3-4Touch left toe out to left side; bring left foot next to right foot bending knees slightly, weight is evenly distributed
5-6From the waist down, twist ¼ turn left; twist to the right, making a ½ turn right and taking weight onto right foot
7-8Forward motion body roll, keeping weight on right foot
1&2Triple forward left, right, left
3-4Touch right toe to right side; make a ½ turn to the right on left foot, bringing right foot next to left with no weight (Monterey turn)
5-6Step right foot to right side (for style, you could complete a side motion body roll); kick left foot across the right leg
7-8Step left foot next to right foot, bumping hips left twice
1&2On a 45 degree angle right, complete a triple step in place - right, left, right
3-4Skate on angle to left, skate right making a ¼ turn to right
5&6Step forward on left foot; pivot ¾ turn right transferring weight to right foot; point left foot to left side
7-8Bump left hip to left twice, while transferring weight to left foot
1&2Cross right foot in front of left; step left foot to left side; cross right foot in front of left (crossed triple step)
3-4Complete a ½ turn to the left (unwind), ending with weight on right foot; lift left knee into figure 4
5-6Step left foot to left side; step right foot to left foot
7&8Triple side left, right, left
For style on 5-8, you can use contra body motion, to simulate shoulder lifts, like in Dangerous
1-8Complete a full turn to the left on left foot doing 8 mini paddle turns
1-2-3-4Make a ¼ turn to right, stepping forward on right foot; step forward on left foot; step forward on right foot; step forward on left foot
5Make a ¼ turn to left, stepping right foot to right side, bump right hip to right side
6-7-8Bump left hip to left side; bump right hip to right side twice, taking weight onto right foot
9-16Complete the above 8 counts exactly opposite (i.e. Left for right etc)