Position: Side by side, forward LOD
For counts 1-18, lady is mirror image of man's steps, outside refers to man's left and lady's right, inside refers to man's right and lady's left
1Swing outside foot forward and to center, lightly tap partner's foot
2Swing outside foot to side and tap toe
3Swing outside foot to rear and lightly tap partner's foot
4Swing outside foot home and take weight
5-6Bump hips together twice
7-8Hips apart twice
9-14Three polka or shuffle steps forward (starting inside shuffle, outside, and inside)
15Outside foot forward and pivot ½ turn toward partner (both facing reverse LOD, in left skaters position)
16Step back on outside foot
17Step back on inside foot
18Swing out foot to front and lightly tap partner's foot
19MAN: Right toe touch to right side
LADY: Bring outside foot home (take weight)
20MAN: Right toe touches behind left foot (while raising right arm)
LADY: Step down right foot pivoting ½ turn to left (forward LOD)
21MAN: Right toe touch to right side
LADY: Step down on left foot (take weight)
22MAN: Right foot swing forward lightly touching lady's right instep
LADY: Right foot swing forward lightly touching man's right instep
23MAN: Right foot home (take weight)
LADY: Right foot home (take weight)
24MAN: Left foot swing forward lightly touching lady's left instep
LADY: Left foot swing forward lightly touching man's left instep
25MAN: Left foot step to left side
LADY: Left foot step to left side
26MAN: Right foot step forward
LADY: Right foot step forward and to the man's right side
27MAN: Left foot swing forward lightly touching lady's left instep
LADY: Left foot swing to rear lightly touching man's left instep
28MAN: Left foot step back
LADY: Left foot step back
29MAN: Right foot step to right side
LADY: Right foot step to right side
30MAN: Left foot step forward
LADY: Left foot step forward to man's left side
31MAN: Right foot swing forward lightly touching lady's right foot
LADY: Right foot swing to rear lightly touching man's right foot
32MAN: Makes ½ turn to his left by stepping ¼ turn with right foot and finishing turn pivoting on left foot
LADY: Bring right foot home (take weight)
34-36Step back inside foot, outside foot, and inside foot (taking weight)
For counts 1-18, lady is mirror image of man's steps, outside refers to man's left and lady's right, inside refers to man's right and lady's left
1Swing outside foot forward and to center, lightly tap partner's foot
2Swing outside foot to side and tap toe
3Swing outside foot to rear and lightly tap partner's foot
4Swing outside foot home and take weight
5-6Bump hips together twice
7-8Hips apart twice
9-14Three polka or shuffle steps forward (starting inside shuffle, outside, and inside)
15Outside foot forward and pivot ½ turn toward partner (both facing reverse LOD, in left skaters position)
16Step back on outside foot
17Step back on inside foot
18Swing out foot to front and lightly tap partner's foot
19MAN: Right toe touch to right side
LADY: Bring outside foot home (take weight)
20MAN: Right toe touches behind left foot (while raising right arm)
LADY: Step down right foot pivoting ½ turn to left (forward LOD)
21MAN: Right toe touch to right side
LADY: Step down on left foot (take weight)
22MAN: Right foot swing forward lightly touching lady's right instep
LADY: Right foot swing forward lightly touching man's right instep
23MAN: Right foot home (take weight)
LADY: Right foot home (take weight)
24MAN: Left foot swing forward lightly touching lady's left instep
LADY: Left foot swing forward lightly touching man's left instep
25MAN: Left foot step to left side
LADY: Left foot step to left side
26MAN: Right foot step forward
LADY: Right foot step forward and to the man's right side
27MAN: Left foot swing forward lightly touching lady's left instep
LADY: Left foot swing to rear lightly touching man's left instep
28MAN: Left foot step back
LADY: Left foot step back
29MAN: Right foot step to right side
LADY: Right foot step to right side
30MAN: Left foot step forward
LADY: Left foot step forward to man's left side
31MAN: Right foot swing forward lightly touching lady's right foot
LADY: Right foot swing to rear lightly touching man's right foot
32MAN: Makes ½ turn to his left by stepping ¼ turn with right foot and finishing turn pivoting on left foot
LADY: Bring right foot home (take weight)
34-36Step back inside foot, outside foot, and inside foot (taking weight)