CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Terry Hogan (AUS)
Cowboys Are My Weakness - Holly Dunn
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1&2Shuffle to the left side, left-right-left
3&4Step right foot across in front of left, step left to the left side, step right foot across behind left
5-6Step left foot to the left side, touch right foot beside left
7-8Step right foot to the right side, step left foot beside right
9Kick right foot forward
10&11Small shuffle backward right-left-right
12Kick left foot forward
13Step backward on left
14-16Kick right foot forward, step backward on rm kick left foot forward
17&18Shuffle forward left-right-left
19&20Shuffle forward right-left-right making ½ turn left
21&22Shuffle backward left-right-left (but still toward the front) making ½ turn left (to finish facing front)
23-24Step to the right side on right foot pushing hips to the right, replace weight on left foot pushing hips to the left
25&26Shuffle to the right side right-left-right, making ¼ turn left on ball of right foot on 3rd step of shuffle
27-28Step left foot backward, rock forward onto right
29&30Shuffle forward left-right-left
31-32Small step forward on right foot, make ¾ pivot turn left on ball of right foot, stepping forward onto left foot to finish facing front.
The right leg will be crossed behind the left when you finish this move.
These next 32 counts are a 'mirror' of the previous steps.
33&34Shuffle to the right side right-left-right
35&36Step left foot across in front of right, step right to the right side, step left foot across behind right
37-38Step right foot to the right side, touch left foot beside right
39-40Step left foot to the left side, step right foot beside left
41Kick left foot forward
42&43Shuffle backward left-right-left
44Kick right foot forward
45Step backward on right
46-48Kick left foot forward, step backward on left, kick right foot forward
49&50Shuffle forward right-left-right
51&52Shuffle forward left-right-left, making ½ turn right
53&54Shuffle backward right-left-right (but still toward the front) making ½ turn right (to finish facing front)
55-56Step tot he left side on left foot pushing hips to the left, replace weight on right foot pushing hips to the right
57&58Shuffle to the left side left-right-left, making ¼ turn right on ball of left foot on 3rd step of shuffle
59-60Step backward on right foot, rock forward onto left
61&62Shuffle forward right-left-right
63-64Small step forward on left foot, make ¾ pivot turn right on ball of left foot stepping forward onto right foot to finish facing front
The left leg will be crossed behind the right when you finish this move.

To make this a more advanced dance, try alternating lines starting on the opposite foot. For example, 1st line starts to the left while the 2nd starts on count 33 to the right. Everyone still faces front.


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