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Cowboy Stomp

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Mark Pilley & Wendy Pilley
The Cowboy Stomp - Curtis Day
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Sequence: A (1-40), A, B (1-16), A, B, A (1-32), A, B

1-2-3&4Walk right forward, walk left forward, shuffle forward right, left, right
5-6-7&8Step left to left turning ½ turn left, step right to right turning ½ left, side shuffle left, right, left
1-2-3&4Rock right across in front of left, rock back on left turning ½ turn right, shuffle forward right, left, right
5-6-7&8Rock forward on left, rock back on right turning ¼ turn left, swing left leg around into sailor shuffle left, right, left
1-2-3&4Step right to side turning ¼ turn left (to face front), hinge ½ turn left (to face back), cross shuffle right, left, right
5-6-7&8Step left to side, hinge turn ½ right (to face front), cross shuffle left, right, left
1-2-3-4Step right to right side, touch left beside right, step left to left side, touch right beside left
5-6-7-8Rock back on right, step forward on left, step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left (to face back)
That is the end of counts 1-32
1-2Step right forward to 45 degrees, lock left behind right
3&4Step right forward to 45 degrees, lock left behind right, step right forward to 45 degrees
5Step forward left turning ¼ turn right (to face front left 45 degrees diagonal)
6Step right to side turning ¼ turn right (to face front right 45 degrees diagonal)
7&8Cross shuffle left, right, left
That is the end of counts 1-40
1-2Point right to right side, step right beside left turning 3/8 turn right (half Monterey to face side wall)
3&4Side shuffle left, right, left (facing side wall)
5-6Step forward right turning ½ turn right, step forward left turning ¾ turn right
7&8Shuffle forward right, left, right (to face front)
1-2-3&4Rock forward left, step back on right, back coaster left, right, left
5-6-7&8Rock forward right, step back on left, back coaster right, left, right
1-2Rock forward left, step back on right
3-4Turning ½ turn left, step forward left toe heel (facing back)
5-6Turning ½ turn left, step back right toe heel (facing front)
7-8Rock back on left, recover on right
1-2-3-4Left toe heel, right toe heel
5Step forward left turning ½ turn right
6Step forward right turning ½ turn right
7-8Left toe heel

1&2&Stomp right to right side, step left behind right, step forward on right foot, scuff left heel
3&4&Stomp left to left side, step right behind left, step forward on left foot, scuff right heel
5-6Step right to right side, step left behind right
&7-8Step right to right side, step left across right, step right to right side
1&2&Stomp left to left, step right behind left, step forward on left foot, scuff right heel
3&4&Stomp right to right, step left behind right, step forward on right foot, scuff left heel
5-6Step left to left side, step right behind left
7&8Step left to left side, step right across left, step left to left side
That is the end of counts 1-16
1&2&Stomp right to right side, step left behind right, step forward on right foot, scuff left heel
3&4&Stomp left to left side, step right behind left, step forward on left foot, scuff right heel
5-6Rock forward on right, recover on left turning ½ turn right
7-8Step forward on right, step forward on left


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