CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Don't Stop Movin!

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Jeremie Tridon (FR)
Don't Stop Movin' - S Club 7
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1-2Step forward left, step forward right
3&4Kick left foot, ¼ turn to the right with hitch left, step left near right
5&Scoot back on left as right leg extends behind you, lock step right in behind left as you lift left knee
6&Scoot back on right as left leg extends behind you, lock step left in behind right as you lift right knee
7&Scoot back on left as right leg extends behind you, lock step right in behind left as you lift left knee
8&Scoot back on right as left leg extends behind you, lock step left in behind right as you lift right knee
1&2Point right to right, recover right near left, point left to left
3Turn knees and bust to the left
4Turn knees and bust to the right
5Hitch right to the left
6¼ turn to the right while stepping right forward
7-8Step forward left, step turn to the right
1Step left forward, look down and hands on the face, palms forward
3-4Step back right, step back left
&5Step back right slightly, step left across right
6Big step right to the right
7Start to recover left near right
&8Step forward left (left foot turned to the left), ¼ turn to the left with right pointed to the right
1-2Snake roll to the right (body weight on right)
3Step left across right
4½ turn to the right (body weight on left)
5Step right in right diagonal. Right index in the same direction of the right leg
6Step left in left diagonal. Left index in the same direction of the left leg
7&8Kick right, step back on right, pull in and tap left near right with left knee bent


There are 3 breaks of 4 counts at the end of 4th, 8th, and 12th walls

1Kick left

2Flick left back
3Touch left near right
&4Snap right twice (once up, once down)
For the 5th wall, just dance the 16 first counts and restart the dance


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