1-2Step right back, rock forward onto left
3-4Step right forward, lock left behind right foot
5-6Step right forward, scuff left forward
7-8Step left forward, rock back on right (12:00)
1-2Turn ¼ right and small step left back, touch right beside left and clap
3-4Touch right heel forward to right diagonal, hook right up to left knee
5-6Turn ¼ right and small step right forward, touch left beside right and clap
7-8Kick left forward twice (6:00)
1&2Shuffle to left side (left-right-left)
3-4Rock/step right behind left, replace weight forward onto left
5-6Step right to right side, step/cross left behind right
7-8Turn ¼ right and step right forward, scuff left forward (9:00)
1-2Step left toe to left side, drop heel (left toe strut)
3-4Rock/step right behind left, replace weight forward onto left
5-6Step right to right side, touch left toe behind right (swing hands right & click)
7-8Step left to left side, swing right up behind left knee & slap with left hand (9:00)
3-4Step right forward, lock left behind right foot
5-6Step right forward, scuff left forward
7-8Step left forward, rock back on right (12:00)
1-2Turn ¼ right and small step left back, touch right beside left and clap
3-4Touch right heel forward to right diagonal, hook right up to left knee
5-6Turn ¼ right and small step right forward, touch left beside right and clap
7-8Kick left forward twice (6:00)
1&2Shuffle to left side (left-right-left)
3-4Rock/step right behind left, replace weight forward onto left
5-6Step right to right side, step/cross left behind right
7-8Turn ¼ right and step right forward, scuff left forward (9:00)
1-2Step left toe to left side, drop heel (left toe strut)
3-4Rock/step right behind left, replace weight forward onto left
5-6Step right to right side, touch left toe behind right (swing hands right & click)
7-8Step left to left side, swing right up behind left knee & slap with left hand (9:00)