Position: Side by Side (Sweetheart) position. Both using same footwork
Adapted by Mary Wild from line dance "Can't Escape, Can't Forget" by Elaine Neck, with kind permission of the choreographer
1-2Rock forward on right, rock back on left
3&4Back right, lock left, back right
5&6Back left, lock right, back left
7-8Rock back on right, rock forward on left
9-10Side rock to right, weight over onto left
11-13Cross right over left, side on left, behind with right
14-16Cross left over right, side on right, behind with left
17-22¼ right on right, touch left, bump hips twice left, twice right
23-26Side step to left, cross right behind, ¼ left, touch right
27-32Forward right shuffle, walk left, right, left shuffle
Adapted by Mary Wild from line dance "Can't Escape, Can't Forget" by Elaine Neck, with kind permission of the choreographer
1-2Rock forward on right, rock back on left
3&4Back right, lock left, back right
5&6Back left, lock right, back left
7-8Rock back on right, rock forward on left
9-10Side rock to right, weight over onto left
11-13Cross right over left, side on left, behind with right
14-16Cross left over right, side on right, behind with left
17-22¼ right on right, touch left, bump hips twice left, twice right
23-26Side step to left, cross right behind, ¼ left, touch right
27-32Forward right shuffle, walk left, right, left shuffle