1&2Cha-cha sideways to the right (right-left-right)
3-4Rock left foot behind right foot
5&6Cha-cha sideways to the left (left-right-left)
7-8Rock right foot behind left foot
9&10Cha-cha forward right left right
11-12Step left foot in front - pivot ½ turn to the right
13&14Cha-cha forward left right left
15-16Step right foot in front - pivot ¼ turn to the left
17-18Step right foot in front - pivot ½ turn to the left
19&20Cha-cha forward right left right
21-24Turn ¼ to the left and walk forward right left right, kick left leg
25-28Walk backward left right left ball-change (right left) with a hop
3-4Rock left foot behind right foot
5&6Cha-cha sideways to the left (left-right-left)
7-8Rock right foot behind left foot
9&10Cha-cha forward right left right
11-12Step left foot in front - pivot ½ turn to the right
13&14Cha-cha forward left right left
15-16Step right foot in front - pivot ¼ turn to the left
17-18Step right foot in front - pivot ½ turn to the left
19&20Cha-cha forward right left right
21-24Turn ¼ to the left and walk forward right left right, kick left leg
25-28Walk backward left right left ball-change (right left) with a hop