Sequence: AA, BB, AA, BB, AA, BB
1-2Rock right foot to right side, rock weight back to left
3&4Sailor step on right
5-6Rock on left foot to left side, replace weight back to right
7&8Sailor step on left
9-10Funky walk back on right, left
11-12Pivot ½ turn over right shoulder
13&14Shuffle forward on left, right, left
15-16Rock forward on right, recover on left
17&18&19-20Points right, left, right, hold
21&22&23-24Points left, right, left, hold
25-26Make ¼ turn left stepping left forward, lock right foot behind left
&27-28Step left forward and close right to left
29-32Rolling grapevine to right, stepping left, right, left, touch
33-36Grapevine to left
37-404Chugs moving around a full circle using right foot
41-44Grapevine to right
45-48Four chugs moving around in a full circle using left foot
1-4Bending knees, bounce and turn body ¼ right for 3, on 4 hitch left leg
5-8Bending knees, bounce and turn body ¼ left for 3, on 4 hitch right leg
9&10Point right to right, switch and point left to left
11&12Switch and point right heel forward, switch and tap left toe behind right
13-16Bump hips forward, back, forward, back
17-20Skate feet moving diagonally forward right, left, right & right
21-24Skate feet moving diagonally forward left, right, left & left
25-32Step right foot to side, close left to right (sliding foot close) for 8 beats ending facing back wall
1-2Rock right foot to right side, rock weight back to left
3&4Sailor step on right
5-6Rock on left foot to left side, replace weight back to right
7&8Sailor step on left
9-10Funky walk back on right, left
11-12Pivot ½ turn over right shoulder
13&14Shuffle forward on left, right, left
15-16Rock forward on right, recover on left
17&18&19-20Points right, left, right, hold
21&22&23-24Points left, right, left, hold
25-26Make ¼ turn left stepping left forward, lock right foot behind left
&27-28Step left forward and close right to left
29-32Rolling grapevine to right, stepping left, right, left, touch
33-36Grapevine to left
37-404Chugs moving around a full circle using right foot
41-44Grapevine to right
45-48Four chugs moving around in a full circle using left foot
1-4Bending knees, bounce and turn body ¼ right for 3, on 4 hitch left leg
5-8Bending knees, bounce and turn body ¼ left for 3, on 4 hitch right leg
9&10Point right to right, switch and point left to left
11&12Switch and point right heel forward, switch and tap left toe behind right
13-16Bump hips forward, back, forward, back
17-20Skate feet moving diagonally forward right, left, right & right
21-24Skate feet moving diagonally forward left, right, left & left
25-32Step right foot to side, close left to right (sliding foot close) for 8 beats ending facing back wall