1-4Toe strut right, toe strut left
5-6Place right toe forward, clap
&7&8Swivel right heel right, left, right, left
9-12Shuffle forward right, shuffle forward left
13-16Rock right forward, take weight back onto left, triple step right, left, right, turning ½ right
17-20Toe strut left, toe strut right
21-22Place left toe forward, clap
&23&24Swivel left heel left, right, left, right
25-28Shuffle forward left, shuffle forward right
29-32Rock left forward, take weight back onto right, triple step left, right, left, turning ¾ left
33-36Grapevine right, hitch and turn ½ right
37-40Rock left to left side, rock weight onto right, rock left to left side, scuff right
41-48Repeat 33-40
49-50Toe strut right forward
51-52Turning ½ right, toe strut left
53-54Toe strut right back
55&56Coaster step left, right, left
&57-58Replace weight to right, rock left forward, replace weight to right
&59-60Replace weight to left, rock right back, replace weight to left
&61-64Repeat &57-60
5-6Place right toe forward, clap
&7&8Swivel right heel right, left, right, left
9-12Shuffle forward right, shuffle forward left
13-16Rock right forward, take weight back onto left, triple step right, left, right, turning ½ right
17-20Toe strut left, toe strut right
21-22Place left toe forward, clap
&23&24Swivel left heel left, right, left, right
25-28Shuffle forward left, shuffle forward right
29-32Rock left forward, take weight back onto right, triple step left, right, left, turning ¾ left
33-36Grapevine right, hitch and turn ½ right
37-40Rock left to left side, rock weight onto right, rock left to left side, scuff right
41-48Repeat 33-40
49-50Toe strut right forward
51-52Turning ½ right, toe strut left
53-54Toe strut right back
55&56Coaster step left, right, left
&57-58Replace weight to right, rock left forward, replace weight to right
&59-60Replace weight to left, rock right back, replace weight to left
&61-64Repeat &57-60