CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Raelene Brown (AUS) & Tammy Hampton (AUS)
Frankie and Johnnie - Sam Cooke
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1&2Point right to right side, step right slightly back, cross/step left over right
3&4Point right to right side, step right slightly back, cross/step left over right
5-6Rock right to right side, replace weight to left
7&8Turn ½ right on left step right to right side, turn ½ right bringing left beside right, turn ½ right and step right slightly to right side (1½ triple step back over the right shoulder)
1-2-3-4Cross/step left over right, point right to right side, cross/step right over left, point left to left side
5-6&7-8Rock left forward, rock back on right, bring left beside right, rock back on right, rock forward on left
&1Step right forward not quite 450 right, step left forward not quite 450 left (feet should be approx. Shoulder width apart)
2-3-4Bump hips once to the left, bump hips twice to the right
5-6Dip the knees, transfer weight to left and touch right heel 450 right
7-8Transferring the weight to the right dip the knees only slightly, rise out of the slight dip and hook left behind right calf (when you hook left behind, start the ensuing ½ left hinge. Also swing arms across and down to your left when you hook left behind. So your left arm will be out to the side of the body approx 450 and your right arm will be across the body pointing to the left)
Option: for a more dramatic effect, hitch the left knee well across the body instead of the hook behind. Use the same arm movement and remember to start your ensuing ½ left hinge when you hitch
1-2Hinge ½ left on the right and step left to left side, hold (as you do the ½ turn left, the arms travel from the left side of the body to the right side) the arm movements work better for the hitch than the flick
&3-4Hop right beside left, rock left to left side, rock/replace weight onto right (start moving forward on count 3)
&5-6Hopping forward cross left over right, rock right to right side and slightly forward, rock/replace weight onto left
&7-8Hopping forward cross right over left, rock left to left side and slightly forward, rock/replace weight onto right
1-2Hinging ½ left on right step left to left side, step right across left
3-4-5Point left to left side, hitch left across the body, point left to left side
6-7With most of your weight on the right twist ¼ left, twist ½ right and transfer weight back onto left
8Hold (for the ¼ left twist, only use the lower half of the body. When you do the ½ twist, bring your whole body with you)
&1-2Bring right beside left, step forward on left, hold
3-4(Sassy walk) walking forward cross right over left, cross left over right
5-6Step right forward, turn full turn left slightly hooking left to the right shin
7&8Shuffle forward left, right, left



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