CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Noel Bradey (AUS), Michael Vera-Lobos (AUS), Jan Wise (AUS) & Michael Cohen (AUS)
Lost In the Shuffle - Michael Peterson
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1&2&3-4Kick right foot forward, jump back on right beside left placing left heel 45 degrees left, jump left beside right stepping forward on right, pivot ½ turn left
1-2-3&4Cross right over left, kick left foot to left side, cross shuffle left over right (left-right-left)
1&2&3-4Point right toe to right side, jump right beside left to point left toe to left side, jump left beside right crossing right over left, unwind ½ turn left (end weight on right)
1&2&3-4Tush push-touch left heel forward, jump left beside right touching right heel forward, jump right beside left touching left heel forward, clap
&1-2-3-4Step back on left pushing off to step forward on right, step left beside right, double heel bounce
1-2-3&4Tossed feathers: scuff right toe 45 degrees left, scuff right heel across left, shuffle right side right (right-left-right)
1-2-3&4Tossed feathers: scuff left toe 45 degrees right, scuff left heel across right, shuffle left side left (left-right-left)
1-2-3&4Rock forward on right, rock back on left, turn ¾ turn right (paddle turn right-left-right)
1-2-3&4Rock forward on left, rock back on right, turn ¾ turn left (paddle turn left-right-left)
1&2-3&4Touch right heel 45 degrees right, jump back on right crossing left over right, touch right heel 45 degrees right, jump back on right crossing left over right (traveling right)
1-2Step right to right rocking weight onto right, rock weight back onto left
1&2-3&4Sailor steps: cross right behind left, step left to left, step right in place, cross left behind right, step right to right, step left in place
1-2Touch right behind left turning ¾ turn right (keeping weight on left)
1&2-3&4Shuffle forward right, shuffle forward left
1-2Rock forward right, rock back on left
1&2Traveling back turn 540 degrees right (1 ½ turn) stepping right-left-right
1&2-3&4Shuffle forward left, shuffle forward right
1-2Rock forward left, rock back right
1&2Turn left (1 ¼ turn stepping left-right-left)

At the end of walls two and five, add the following steps:

1&2-3&4Kick right ball change, Kick right ball change
5-8Cross right over left, Step back on left, Step right to right side Step left beside right


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