CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Stacie White (UK)
1-2Step right to side, step left behind right
&3Step quickly onto right, cross left in front of right
&4Step back onto right, touch left heel forward
&5-6Step weight onto left. Walk forward right, left
7-8Walk forward right, left
1&2&Point right toe out, hitch right knee (turning 1/8 to left), point right out, hitch right knee (turning 1/8 to the left)
3&4&Repeat beats 1&2&
These are paddle turns with which you should turn ½ to the left
5&6Kick right across left, step down onto right in front of left, touch left toe back
7&8Kick left across right, step down onto left in front of right, touch right toe back
1&2&Jump feet diagonally apart, right going forward, left going back. Bring right in while hitching left knee. Jump feet diagonally apart left going forward. Bring left in while hitching right knee. Turning a ¼ turn right (this is running man with a ¼ turn right)
3&4Bump hips right, left, right, stepping right down
5&6Hitch left knee in, put left down to left, bring right next to left
7&8Hitch left knee in, put left down to left, touch right next to left
1&2Shuffle forward right, left, right
3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left
5&6&Kick right across left. Replace. Kick left across right. Replace
7-8Kick right across left. Kick right across left
1-2Walk forward right, left
3-4Walk forward right, left
5-6Sweep right leg round ½ to left
&7&8Step back onto right. Touch left heel forward. Step onto left. Touch right in place. (this is a heel jack)
1-2Point right to side, turn ¼ right
3-4Forward body roll, ending with weight on right
5-6Point left forward, then to the side
&7&8Bring left next to right, point right to side, bring right together and point left to side
1&2Left sailor step left, right, left
3&4Right sailor step right, left, right
5-6Step left ½ turn
7&8Step forward left, twist heels left, right, replacing weight onto left.
1&2Step right to side, slide left together, step right to side again.
3&4Hold count 3, slide left together, step right to side
5&6Hitch right knee, point out to side, turn ¼ to right
7&8Kick right forward, rock back onto right, recover on left



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