1-4Right box step (step right across left, step left back, step right to side, step left together)
5-8Right outback (touch right heel at 45 degrees, slap right behind left with the left hand, touch right heel at 45 degrees, step right together)
9-12Left outback (touch left heel at 45 degrees, slap left behind right with the right hand, touch left heel at 45 degrees, step left together)
13-16Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left, step right forward, pivot ¼ turn left
17-20Two right camels (step right forward at 45 degrees, left together, step right forward at 45 degrees, left together and clap)
21-24Two left camels (step left forward at 45 degrees, right together, step left forward at 45 degrees, right together and clap)
25-28Two right camels (step right forward at 45 degrees, left together, step right forward at 45 degrees, left together and clap)
29-32Two left camels (step left forward at 45 degrees, right together, step left forward at 45 degrees, right together and clap)
33-36Vine back stepping right-left-right while turning one & a half turns (540 degrees) jump feet together
37-40Swivel heels right, swivel toes right, swivel heels right, clap
41-44Swivel heels left, swivel toes left, swivel heels left, clap
5-8Right outback (touch right heel at 45 degrees, slap right behind left with the left hand, touch right heel at 45 degrees, step right together)
9-12Left outback (touch left heel at 45 degrees, slap left behind right with the right hand, touch left heel at 45 degrees, step left together)
13-16Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left, step right forward, pivot ¼ turn left
17-20Two right camels (step right forward at 45 degrees, left together, step right forward at 45 degrees, left together and clap)
21-24Two left camels (step left forward at 45 degrees, right together, step left forward at 45 degrees, right together and clap)
25-28Two right camels (step right forward at 45 degrees, left together, step right forward at 45 degrees, left together and clap)
29-32Two left camels (step left forward at 45 degrees, right together, step left forward at 45 degrees, right together and clap)
33-36Vine back stepping right-left-right while turning one & a half turns (540 degrees) jump feet together
37-40Swivel heels right, swivel toes right, swivel heels right, clap
41-44Swivel heels left, swivel toes left, swivel heels left, clap