1&2Tap right foot besides left twice, lunge forward to the right diagonal with the right foot
3&4Tap left foot besides right twice, lunge backward to the left diagonal with the left foot
5&6Step right foot behind right, step left foot to left side, step right foot across left
7&8Step left foot to the left side as you bump hips left, right, left
1&2Right coaster step
3&4Walk forward left, right, left
5&6Right sailor step
7&8Left lock step forward
1&2Bump the hips right, left, right as you turn ¼ of a turn to the left
3&4Left sailor step
5&6Step right foot behind left, step left to left side, step right foot across left
7&8Bump hips left, right, left as you turn ¼ of a turn to the left
1&2Full turn forward over right shoulder
3&4Rock forward onto left foot, recover, rock back onto left foot (rocking chair)
5&6Right lock step backwards
7&8Full turn on the spot over left shoulder
1&2Step right foot to the right side, rock left behind right, recover
3&4Step left foot to the left side, rock right behind left, recover
5&6Bump the hips right left right as you turn ¼ of a turn t the left
7&8Left coaster step
1&2Walk forward right, left, right
3&4Left lock step forward
5&6Bump the hips right, left, right as you turn ¼ of a turn to the left
7&8Left coaster step
1-2-3-4Step right foot to the right side as you sway body right, left, right, left
1&2Tap right foot besides left twice, lunge forward to the right diagonal with the right foot
3&4Tap left foot besides right twice, lunge backward to the left diagonal with the left foot
5&6Step right foot behind right, step left foot to left side, step right foot across left
7&8Step left foot to the left side as you bump hips left, right, left
1&2Right coaster step
3&4Walk forward left, right, left
5&6Right sailor step
7&8Left lock step forward
1&2Bump the hips right, left, right as you turn ¼ of a turn to the left
3&4Left sailor step
5&6Step right foot behind left, step left to left side, step right foot across left
7&8Bump hips left, right, left as you turn ¼ of a turn to the left
1&2Full turn forward over right shoulder
3&4Rock forward onto left foot, recover, rock back onto left foot (rocking chair)
5&6Right lock step backwards
7&8Full turn on the spot over left shoulder
1&2Step right foot to the right side, rock left behind right, recover
3&4Step left foot to the left side, rock right behind left, recover
5&6Bump the hips right left right as you turn ¼ of a turn t the left
7&8Left coaster step
1&2Walk forward right, left, right
3&4Left lock step forward
5&6Bump the hips right, left, right as you turn ¼ of a turn to the left
7&8Left coaster step
1-2-3-4Step right foot to the right side as you sway body right, left, right, left