CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Holdin' On

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Lisa Thunstrom (AUS)
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1&2Right kick-ball-change
3-4Stomp right forward, clap
5-6Stomp left on spot turning ¼ to the left, clap
7-8Stomp right together, clap
9&10Step right to side, step left together, step right to side
&11-12Step left together, step right to side, hinge ½ to the left on ball off right stepping left to side
13-14Recover onto right, rock left behind right
15-16Recover onto right, step left to side
17-18Bump hips left, right
19-20Bump hips left, right
21&22Left sailor step crossing left behind right, step right next left, step left back to center
23-24Step right across left, pivot ¾ to the left
25&26Shuffle forward right, left, right
27&28Shuffle forward left, right, left
29-30Right Monterey turn touching right toe to side, pivot ½ to the right on ball of left dragging right together
31-32Touch left toe to side, step left together
33-34Step forward diagonally right on right, bring left together & clap
35-36Step back diagonally left on left, bring right together and clap
37-38Turning ¼ to the right step forward diagonally right on right, step left together & clap
39-40Step back diagonally left on left, step right together & clap
41&42Right kick-ball-change
43&44Right kick-ball-change
&45Left heel-jack jumping back on right diagonally right, place left heel forward diagonally left
&46Jump forward on left, step right together
47-48Step left toe to side, bring heel down
49-50Step right toe together, bring heel down
51-52Step left toe to side, bring heel down
53-54Step right toe on spot, bring heel down
55-56Step left toe together, bring heel down
57-58Stomp right next to left, stomp left next to right
59-60Jump feet apart, jump right across left & left behind right
61-62Unwind ½ to the left, jump forward slightly landing on both feet but taking weight on left
63-64Kick right diagonally across in front of left, hinge knee up (or double kick)
&65-66Stomp back slightly on right, stomp left slightly forward, hold

There is a break in the song at count 57. At that point stomp right on the spot & then hold until the music restarts & continue dance with jump apart & across leaving out second stomp


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