1&2Shuffle forward leading right foot right-left-right
3&4Shuffle forward leading left foot left-right-left
5-6Kick right foot forward twice clapping at the same time
7-8Step right onto right foot, step left foot across behind right foot
9-10Step right onto right foot, kick left foot forward with hand clap
11-12Step left onto left foot, step right foot across behind left
13-14Step left onto left foot, stomp right foot in beside left
15&16Kick right foot forward, ball change
17&18Kick right foot forward, ball change
19-20Step forward onto right foot, pivot ½ turn left placing weight onto left foot
21-22Step forward onto right foot, pivot ½ turn left placing weight onto left foot
23-30Repeat steps 15 to 22
31-32Step forward onto right foot, stomp left foot in beside right
33-36Knock knees together 4 times
37-38Touch toes of left foot across in front of right, pivot ½ turn right on the spot to untangle legs
39&40Right 45 heel tap and replace
41&42Left 45 heel tap and replace
43&44Right 45 heel tap and replace
45&46Left 45 heel tap and replace
3&4Shuffle forward leading left foot left-right-left
5-6Kick right foot forward twice clapping at the same time
7-8Step right onto right foot, step left foot across behind right foot
9-10Step right onto right foot, kick left foot forward with hand clap
11-12Step left onto left foot, step right foot across behind left
13-14Step left onto left foot, stomp right foot in beside left
15&16Kick right foot forward, ball change
17&18Kick right foot forward, ball change
19-20Step forward onto right foot, pivot ½ turn left placing weight onto left foot
21-22Step forward onto right foot, pivot ½ turn left placing weight onto left foot
23-30Repeat steps 15 to 22
31-32Step forward onto right foot, stomp left foot in beside right
33-36Knock knees together 4 times
37-38Touch toes of left foot across in front of right, pivot ½ turn right on the spot to untangle legs
39&40Right 45 heel tap and replace
41&42Left 45 heel tap and replace
43&44Right 45 heel tap and replace
45&46Left 45 heel tap and replace