1-2Cross right over left, unwind ½ turn left
3&4Shuffle forward left-right-left
5-6Step forward on the ball of the right foot, pivot ½ turn left, kick left forward
7&8Coaster step - step back left, step back right to left, step forward left
9&10Turn body ¼ turn left step right to side right, lock left behind right turn body ¼ turn right, step forward right
11&12Turn body ¼ turn right, step left to side left, lock right behind left, turn body ¼ turn left step forward left
13-14Rock/step forward right, turning ¼ turn left rock, weight back onto left
15&16Cross shuffle to left side, right over left, right over left
17-18Touch left to left side, push off on left turn ½ turn left, tap left beside right foot (½ Monterey)
19&20Shuffle forward left-right-left
&21-22On ball of right step right to side right, step ball of left in place, cross right over left
&23-24On ball of left step left to side left, step ball of right in place, cross left over right
25-26&Step right to side right, cross left behind right, step down on ball of right
27-28Jump left over right, step right to right side
29-30Rock/step forward left, rock back onto right
31&32Turn back ½ turn left step forward left, turn ½ turn left step back on right, turn ½ turn left step forward left
For dancers who don't like turns, replace with rock forward left, rock back right turn back ½ turn left, shuffle forward left-right-left
33-36Step forward right, pivot turn ½ turn left, step forward right-left
&37-38On ball of right step right to side right, step ball of left in place, cross right over left
&39-40On ball of left step left to side left, step ball of right in place, cross left over right
&41-42On ball of right step right to side right, step ball of left in place, cross right behind left
&43-44On ball of left step left in place, jump/cross right over left unwind ½ turn left (feet are apart)
45-48Bump hips twice to right side, bump hips twice to left side
On the 2nd & 7th walls, repeat counts 45-48
On the 6th wall complete the first 20 beats of the dance, then restart again in new direction
3&4Shuffle forward left-right-left
5-6Step forward on the ball of the right foot, pivot ½ turn left, kick left forward
7&8Coaster step - step back left, step back right to left, step forward left
9&10Turn body ¼ turn left step right to side right, lock left behind right turn body ¼ turn right, step forward right
11&12Turn body ¼ turn right, step left to side left, lock right behind left, turn body ¼ turn left step forward left
13-14Rock/step forward right, turning ¼ turn left rock, weight back onto left
15&16Cross shuffle to left side, right over left, right over left
17-18Touch left to left side, push off on left turn ½ turn left, tap left beside right foot (½ Monterey)
19&20Shuffle forward left-right-left
&21-22On ball of right step right to side right, step ball of left in place, cross right over left
&23-24On ball of left step left to side left, step ball of right in place, cross left over right
25-26&Step right to side right, cross left behind right, step down on ball of right
27-28Jump left over right, step right to right side
29-30Rock/step forward left, rock back onto right
31&32Turn back ½ turn left step forward left, turn ½ turn left step back on right, turn ½ turn left step forward left
For dancers who don't like turns, replace with rock forward left, rock back right turn back ½ turn left, shuffle forward left-right-left
33-36Step forward right, pivot turn ½ turn left, step forward right-left
&37-38On ball of right step right to side right, step ball of left in place, cross right over left
&39-40On ball of left step left to side left, step ball of right in place, cross left over right
&41-42On ball of right step right to side right, step ball of left in place, cross right behind left
&43-44On ball of left step left in place, jump/cross right over left unwind ½ turn left (feet are apart)
45-48Bump hips twice to right side, bump hips twice to left side
On the 2nd & 7th walls, repeat counts 45-48
On the 6th wall complete the first 20 beats of the dance, then restart again in new direction