CopperKnob Stepsheets

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In Your Arms (P)

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Angela Pinnington (UK) & Peter Kimber
If I Could Bottle This Up - Paul Overstreet
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Position: Side by Side (Sweetheart) position
1-2Step right across left, step back on left
3&4Side shuffle right right, left, right
5-6Step left across right, step back on right
7&8Side shuffle left left, right, left
9&10Right shuffle forward right, left, right
11&12Left shuffle forward left, right, left
13-14Rock forward onto right, recover onto left
15-16MAN: Step right ¼ turn right, step left next to right (facing OLOD)
15&16LADY: ¾ Turn right on triple step right, left, right (facing ILOD)
Release left hands, lady passes under raised right arms, rejoin hands when facing each other
17-18MAN: Step right to right, cross left behind right
 LADY: Step left to left, cross right behind left
19-20MAN: Side shuffle right right, left, right
Release man's left, lady's right hands
 LADY: Side shuffle left left, right, left
21-22MAN: Left rock left turning ¼ left (facing LOD), recover onto right
 LADY: Right rock right turning ¼ right (RLOD), recover onto left
23&24MAN: Forward right diagonal cross shuffle left, right, left
 LADY: Forward left diagonal cross shuffle right, left, right
Traveling forward, lady crosses in front of man changing places, changing hands. Lady behind man in front
25-26MAN: Right rock right, recover onto left
 LADY: Left rock left, recover onto right
27&28MAN: Forward left diagonal cross shuffle right, left, right
Crossing as 23&24
 LADY: Forward right diagonal cross shuffle left, right, left
29-30MAN: Left rock to left, recover onto right
 LADY: Right rock to right, recover onto left
31&32MAN: Forward right diagonal cross shuffle left, right, left
Crossing as 23&24
 LADY: Forward left diagonal cross shuffle right, left, right
33-34MAN: Right rock right, recover onto left
 LADY: Left rock left, recover onto right turning ¼ right
35-36MAN: Step right across left, step left next to right
35&36LADY: ¾ Turn right on triple step left, right, left
Lady crosses in front of man, man changes hands to bring her back into side by side
37-38Rock back on right, recover onto left
39&40Right shuffle forward right, left, right
41-42Left toe point forward, point left
43&44Left back coaster step
45-46Right toe point forward, point right
47&48Right back coaster step
49-50Step forward left, pivot ½ turn right
Release left hands, raise right
51&52Left side shuffle turning ¼ right on first step left, right, left (both facing ILOD)
Release hands as you face ILOD, lady placing her hands on man's waist
53&54Right side shuffle, turning ½ turn right on first step right, left, right (both facing OLOD)
Lady raises her hands to shoulder height, man places hands on lady's waist
55&56Left side shuffle, turning ½ turn right on first step left, right, left (both facing ILOD)
Lady places hands on man's waist
57-58Rock back on right, recover onto left
59&60Right shuffle forward
61-62Step forward on left, step right turning ¼ turn right (into LOD)
Lady releases hands on turn, resume Side By Side (Sweetheart) position
63&64Right side cross shuffle



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