CopperKnob Stepsheets

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In My Car

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Linda Burgess (AUS)
1&2-3-4Right heel ball cross, turn ¼ left & step back on right, turn ½ left (hinging on right) & step forward left
5&6-7&8Step forward right, pivot ¼ left & cross/step right over left, left heel ball cross
&1&2&3&4Hop left beside right & tap right heel to 45 degrees right, hop weight onto right & tap left toe behind right, hop weight onto left & tap right heel to 45 degrees right, clap hands twice (on counts &4)
&5-6&7-8Hop right beside left, step forward left & pivot ½ right, hop left beside right, step forward right & pivot ½ left
1&2-3-4(Samba)-rock/step right to side, replace weight to left, cross/step right over left, step left to side & hinging on left, make a ½ turn right, stepping right to side
5&6-7&8(Cross samba)-cross/step left over right, step right to side on ball of foot, step left in place, (cross samba with turn)- cross/step right over left, turn ¼ right step left slightly back on ball of foot, step right in place
1-2-3&4Step forward left & pivot ½ right, weight to right, shuffle forward left-right-left
5-6-7&8Step forward right & pivot ½ left, weight to left, rock/step right to side, replace weight to left, step right beside left
1-2&3-4(Left & right Dorothy traveling)- step left forward to 45 degrees, lock right behind left, hop left beside right, step right forward to 45 degrees right, lock left behind right
&5-6-7-8Hop right beside left, step forward left & pivot ½ right, weight to right, turn a further ½ right & step back on left, turn a further ½ right & step forward right
&1&2&3&4(Heel jacks traveling back)- hop back on left, tap right heel forward, hop back on right, tap left heel forward, hop back on left, tap right toe to side, hop right beside left & tap left toe to side
&5&6-7&8Hop left beside right, shuffle forward right, turning ½ left (stepping right-left-right), left coaster



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