1&2Right kick ball cross
3-4Step right foot to right side, swaying hips right and then left
5&6Right sailor shuffle
7-8Sway hips left and then right
1&2Left kick ball cross
3-4Step left foot to left side, swaying hips left and then right
5&6Left sailor shuffle
7-8Sway hips right and then left
1-2Point right toe out to right side, hold on 2
3&4Shuffle one full turn left (right-left-right)
5-6Point left toe out to left side, hold on 6
7&8Shuffle 1 ¼ turn to right (left-right-left)
1-2Rock right foot forward, recover weight to left foot
3&4Right coaster step
5-6Rock left foot forward, recover weight to right foot
7&8Left coaster step
3-4Step right foot to right side, swaying hips right and then left
5&6Right sailor shuffle
7-8Sway hips left and then right
1&2Left kick ball cross
3-4Step left foot to left side, swaying hips left and then right
5&6Left sailor shuffle
7-8Sway hips right and then left
1-2Point right toe out to right side, hold on 2
3&4Shuffle one full turn left (right-left-right)
5-6Point left toe out to left side, hold on 6
7&8Shuffle 1 ¼ turn to right (left-right-left)
1-2Rock right foot forward, recover weight to left foot
3&4Right coaster step
5-6Rock left foot forward, recover weight to right foot
7&8Left coaster step