Heel stands, Back right-left, Step-lock-step-hold. | |
1-2 Stand forward on right heel, stand on left heel next to right. [12] | |
3-4 Step back on right, step left next to right. [12] | |
5-6 Step right forward, lock left behind right. [12] | |
7-8 Step right forward, hold. [12] | |
Step-hold, Half turn-hold, Step-lock-step-hold. | |
1-2 Step left forward, hold. [12] | |
3-4 Pivot half turn right [CW], hold. [6] | |
5-6 Step left forward, lock right behind left. [6] | |
7-8 Step left forward, hold. [12] | |
Toe-heel-cross-hold, Out-hold, In-hold. | |
1-2 Touch right toe to left instep, touch right heel to left instep. [6] | |
3-4 Cross right over front of left, hold. [6] | |
5-6 Tap left to left, hold.[6] | |
7-8 Touch left next to right, hold. [6] | |
Out-in-out-hold, Cross-hold, Touch-kick. | |
1-2 Tap left to left, touch left next to right. [6] | |
3-4 Tap left to left, hold. [6] | |
5-6 Cross left over right, hold. [6] | |
7-8 Touch right toe next to left instep, kick right to right forward diagonal. [6] | |
Right jazz box, Heel-hook, Heel-flick. | |
1-2 Cross right over left, step back left. [6] | |
3-4 Step right to right, step forward left. [6] | |
5-6 Tap right heel forward, hook right in front of left shin. [6] | |
7-8 Tap right heel forward, flick right out to right side. [6] | |
Step-hold, Swivel-hold, Swivel left-right-left-kick. | |
1-2 Slap right down in front of left (right toes pointing 7:30), hold. [6] | |
3-4 Swivel both heels to right (raising heels), hold. [3] | |
5 Swivel both heels to centre (dropping heels), [6] | |
6 Swivel both heels to right (raising heels) [3] | |
7-8 Swivel both heels to centre (dropping heels, weight on left) kick right forward [6] | |
Step back-quarter turn, Cross-point, Cross-back, Cross-back rock | |
1-2 Step right back, step left quarter turn left [CCW, 3] | |
3-4 Cross right over front of left. tap left to left [3] | |
5-6 Cross left in front of right, step right back diagonally right [3] | |
7-8 Cross left in front of right, rock back on right [3] | |
Step-touch, Side-touch, Three step turn-touch. | |
1-2 Step forward left, touch right next to left. [3] | |
3-4 Step right to right, touch left next to right. [3] | |
5 Step left quarter turn left. [12] | |
6 Pivot half turn left [CCW] on ball of left stepping back right. [6] | |
7 Pivot quarter turn left [CCW] on ball of right stepping left to left. [3] | |
8 Touch right next to left. [3] | |
Start again??????with a BIG smile! | |