1-2Fan heels apart, bring heels back together.
3-4Fan right toes to right side, fan left toes to left side.
5-6Dip down bending knees, straighten up bringing toes together.
7&8Right kick ball change.
9Stomp right in place.
10&11Stomp left in place, step right to right side, step left to left side.
12&13Hold one beat, step left next to right, cross right in front of left.
14Hold one beat.
15-16Pivot ½ turn to left, hold one beat.
17-18Point left toe in toward right, step left to left side turning ¼ to left.
19-20Point right toe in toward left, bring right together with left.
21-22Swivel heels to left, swivel heels back to center.
23&24Step back on right, step back on left, step forward on right.
25-27Rolling grapevine left (left-right-left) making full turn.
28Touch right next to left.
29-30Long step forward on right (2 counts).
31-32Drag left next to right (2 counts).
3-4Fan right toes to right side, fan left toes to left side.
5-6Dip down bending knees, straighten up bringing toes together.
7&8Right kick ball change.
9Stomp right in place.
10&11Stomp left in place, step right to right side, step left to left side.
12&13Hold one beat, step left next to right, cross right in front of left.
14Hold one beat.
15-16Pivot ½ turn to left, hold one beat.
17-18Point left toe in toward right, step left to left side turning ¼ to left.
19-20Point right toe in toward left, bring right together with left.
21-22Swivel heels to left, swivel heels back to center.
23&24Step back on right, step back on left, step forward on right.
25-27Rolling grapevine left (left-right-left) making full turn.
28Touch right next to left.
29-30Long step forward on right (2 counts).
31-32Drag left next to right (2 counts).