1-4Step forward on right, step left together, step back on right, hold & clap
5-8Step back on left, step right together, step forward on left, hold & clap
1-4Monterey - touch right toe to right side, step right beside left & pivot ½ to the right, touch left to left side, replace beside right
5-8Twist heels left, twist toes left, twist heels left, hold & clap
1-4Step forward on right, pivot ½ left, stomp right, kick right at 45 degrees
5-8Cross right behind left, left to left side, cross right in front of left, left to left side
1-4Cross right behind left, left to left side cross right in front of left, left to left side
5-8Step right across left, unwind ¾ left finishing with weight on left
5-8Step back on left, step right together, step forward on left, hold & clap
1-4Monterey - touch right toe to right side, step right beside left & pivot ½ to the right, touch left to left side, replace beside right
5-8Twist heels left, twist toes left, twist heels left, hold & clap
1-4Step forward on right, pivot ½ left, stomp right, kick right at 45 degrees
5-8Cross right behind left, left to left side, cross right in front of left, left to left side
1-4Cross right behind left, left to left side cross right in front of left, left to left side
5-8Step right across left, unwind ¾ left finishing with weight on left