CopperKnob Stepsheets

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The Voice Within

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Linda Burgess (AUS)
The Voice Within - Christina Aguilera
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1-2&3-4Cross/rock right over left, rock back onto left, turn ¼ right & step forward right, step forward left & pivot ½ turn right (weight to right)
&5-6&7-8Step left beside right, step forward right, pivot ½ turn left, step right beside left, step forward left pivot ½ turn right (weight right)
1&2-3&4Turn ½ right & step back left, turn ½ right & step forward right, step forward left (triple turn forward), step back right, turn ½ left & step forward left, step forward right & hook left behind right
Optional-triple step forward left, right, left & hook
5&6-7&8Step back onto left, turn ¼ right & step forward right, step forward left & hook right behind left, step back right, turn ½ left & step forward left, step forward right & hook left behind right
1&2&3-4Step back left, step right to right, cross/step left over right, step right to right, rock/step back left, rock forward onto right
&5-6-7&8Step left to left & touch right behind left, unwind ¾ right, stepping right slightly forward, step forward left, step forward right & pivot ½ left (weight left)
1-2-3-4Step forward right & pivot ½ turn left (weight left), sweep right around to front & step forward right, sweep left around to front & step forward left
5&6-7&8Step right to right, turn ¼ left & step forward left, step forward right, turn ½ right & step back left, turn ½ right & step forward right, step forward left (triple turn forward)
Optional-triple step forward left, right, left
1&2-3&4Step back right, turn ½ left, stepping left beside right, step forward right, step back left, turn ½ right, stepping right beside left, step forward left
5&6&7-8Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left, step forward right, pivot ½ turn left, rock/step forward right, rock back left
&1-2&3&4Step right beside left, rock/step left to left, rock/step right, step left beside right, turn ¼ & step forward right, turn ¼ right & step left to left, turn ½ right & step right to right (full turn)
Optional triple step to side, right-left-right
5&6&7-8Cross/step left over right, step right to right, step left in place, cross/step right over left, step left to left, step right in place, step forward left
1-16Repeat the last 16 counts


On the 2nd wall you will restart after count 40 facing front
On the 5th wall on count 16 step forward right & slow pivot ½ turn to left, weight left, music stops for moment. Restart facing back when the beat starts

Keep dancing through to full turn right (count 44) facing front


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