1-4Step forward right, left, step right to side pushing hips to right, rock weight to left pushing hips left
5-8Step forward right, left, step right to side pushing hips to right, rock weight to left pushing hips left
9-16Step forward slightly on right pushing hips right twice, left twice, right, left, right, left
17-24Step back right, left, right, turning ½ right step forward on left, right, kick left forward, step back on left, touch right toe back
25-32Step right to side, hold, step left to side, hold, using next 4 counts turning ¼ left (with shoulder shimmies)
33-40Vine right, behind, right, scuff left forward, vine left, behind, left, scuff right
41-48Step right to side, scuff left, step left to side, hold. Bring right foot up behind left & slap heel, touch right toe to side, bring right knee up in front of left & slap, touch right toe to side
Restart after count 32 on walls 3, 5, and 7
If you want to be really tricky do a full turn on last 4 counts to face the front.
5-8Step forward right, left, step right to side pushing hips to right, rock weight to left pushing hips left
9-16Step forward slightly on right pushing hips right twice, left twice, right, left, right, left
17-24Step back right, left, right, turning ½ right step forward on left, right, kick left forward, step back on left, touch right toe back
25-32Step right to side, hold, step left to side, hold, using next 4 counts turning ¼ left (with shoulder shimmies)
33-40Vine right, behind, right, scuff left forward, vine left, behind, left, scuff right
41-48Step right to side, scuff left, step left to side, hold. Bring right foot up behind left & slap heel, touch right toe to side, bring right knee up in front of left & slap, touch right toe to side
Restart after count 32 on walls 3, 5, and 7
If you want to be really tricky do a full turn on last 4 counts to face the front.