1-3Step right forward, rock left to side, return weight to center
4&5Cross left over right & shuffle slightly rightwards
6-8Rock right to side, return weight to left, step right forward
1-4Rock left forward, step back right-left-right
&5Step left back beside right, step right back
6-8Rock back on left, rock forward on right, step left forward
1-2Step right forward, turn ½ left keeping weight on right
3&4Left coaster step (step left back, right together, left forward)
5-6Rock forward on right, return weight to center
&7-8Quickly rock right to side, return weight to left, cross right over left
1-2Step left to side, cross right behind left
3-4Rock left to side, return weight to right
5&6Cross left over right, raise both heels, drop heels (weight to left)
7-8Step right to side, into ¼ turn left, turn a further ½ left on ball of right & finish turn by stepping left forward
4&5Cross left over right & shuffle slightly rightwards
6-8Rock right to side, return weight to left, step right forward
1-4Rock left forward, step back right-left-right
&5Step left back beside right, step right back
6-8Rock back on left, rock forward on right, step left forward
1-2Step right forward, turn ½ left keeping weight on right
3&4Left coaster step (step left back, right together, left forward)
5-6Rock forward on right, return weight to center
&7-8Quickly rock right to side, return weight to left, cross right over left
1-2Step left to side, cross right behind left
3-4Rock left to side, return weight to right
5&6Cross left over right, raise both heels, drop heels (weight to left)
7-8Step right to side, into ¼ turn left, turn a further ½ left on ball of right & finish turn by stepping left forward