1&2Hitch right knee across left leg, point right toe to right side, turn ¼ left changing weight to right foot
3&4Left shuffle forward
5-6Press ball of right foot to right side, rock back onto left foot
7&8Step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, cross right over left
1-2Turning ¼ turn to right on ball of right, rock left to left side, rock weight back on to right foot
3&4Left sailor step
5-6Cross right behind left, unwind ¾ turn right
7&8Left kick ball touch
1-2&Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side
3&4Hitch left knee across right leg, point left toe to left side, turn ¼ turn to left
5&6Left shuffle forward
7&8Step right foot forward, hitch left knee forward, point left toe back
1&2Bounce heels ½ turn to left. (option- swivel heels)
3&4Left coaster step
5-6Step right foot forward, touch left foot behind right
&7Step down on left foot, kick right foot forward
&8Turning ¼ turn right rock to right side, rock weight back onto left foot
3&4Left shuffle forward
5-6Press ball of right foot to right side, rock back onto left foot
7&8Step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, cross right over left
1-2Turning ¼ turn to right on ball of right, rock left to left side, rock weight back on to right foot
3&4Left sailor step
5-6Cross right behind left, unwind ¾ turn right
7&8Left kick ball touch
1-2&Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side
3&4Hitch left knee across right leg, point left toe to left side, turn ¼ turn to left
5&6Left shuffle forward
7&8Step right foot forward, hitch left knee forward, point left toe back
1&2Bounce heels ½ turn to left. (option- swivel heels)
3&4Left coaster step
5-6Step right foot forward, touch left foot behind right
&7Step down on left foot, kick right foot forward
&8Turning ¼ turn right rock to right side, rock weight back onto left foot