CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Too Hot

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Dion Thomas (AUS)
Too Hot - Real Gone Cats
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1-4Step forward on left heel, rock back to right, step back on ball of left, rock forward to right
5-8Step on left & pivot ½ right, step on left & pivot ½ right (weight right)
9-12Step left diagonally forward bumping left, right, left, hold
13-16Step right diagonally forward bumping right, left, right, hold
17-20Step left to side, rock onto right, step left in front of right, hold
21-24Step right to side, rock onto left, step right in front of left, hold
25-28Step left to side, rock onto right, step left in front of right, hold
29-32Step right to side, left to side (or in place)
30-32Slide right together, stomp right, hold
33-36Step on left & pivot ½ right, step forward on left, hold
37-40Step on right & pivot ½ left, step forward on right, hold
41-44Step on left & pivot ½ right, step forward on left, hold
45-48Step right to side, step left together, step right to side, hold
49-52Step left forward, rock back to right, step left to side, hold
53-56Step right back, rock forward to left, step right to side, hold
57-60Step left to side, step right together, step left to side, hold
61-64Step right across left, rock onto left, step right to side, hold
65-68Step left across right, rock onto right, touch left together, hold
69-72Full left turn-left, right, left, step forward on right heel
73-74Rock back to left, right together
75&763 claps

On the last wall, dance counts 1-48, then finish with

1-4Step left forward, rock. Back onto right, touch left together, hold
5-71 & ½ turns left-left, right, left
8-10Step right heel in front, rock back to left, right together


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