1-4Touch right heel forward at diagonal, step right next to left, touch left heel forward at diagonal, step left next to right
5-8Touch right heel forward at diagonal twice, stomp right foot next to left twice
9-12Touch left heel forward at diagonal twice, stomp left foot next to right twice
13-16Vine left, turning ½ on the 4th beat and hitching right
17-20Vine right, turning ½ on the 4th beat and hitch left
21-24Vine left, touch right beside left
25-28Step forward on right, pivot ½ left, 2 stomps on the right
29-32Vine left touch right beside left
5-8Touch right heel forward at diagonal twice, stomp right foot next to left twice
9-12Touch left heel forward at diagonal twice, stomp left foot next to right twice
13-16Vine left, turning ½ on the 4th beat and hitching right
17-20Vine right, turning ½ on the 4th beat and hitch left
21-24Vine left, touch right beside left
25-28Step forward on right, pivot ½ left, 2 stomps on the right
29-32Vine left touch right beside left