Position: Couples Sweetheart
1-6Right heel strut, left heel strut, walk forward on right, walk forward on left
Walks done with a slight dip
7-12Right heel strut, left heel strut, walk forward on right, walk forward on left
Walks done with a slight dip
13-18Right heel strut, left heel strut, walk forward on right, walk forward on left
Walks done with a slight dip
19-22Right heel tap forward twice, right toe tap back twice
23-26Right heel tap forward once, right toe tap back once, right heel touch forward, right foot cross in front of left leg (just below knee)
27-30Right foot step forward, left foot kick forward, left foot step back, right toe touch back
31-34Step forward on right foot, pivot ½ turn to left, repeat
35-42Four forward shuffles starting on right foot
1-6Right heel strut, left heel strut, walk forward on right, walk forward on left
Walks done with a slight dip
7-12Right heel strut, left heel strut, walk forward on right, walk forward on left
Walks done with a slight dip
13-18Right heel strut, left heel strut, walk forward on right, walk forward on left
Walks done with a slight dip
19-22Right heel tap forward twice, right toe tap back twice
23-26Right heel tap forward once, right toe tap back once, right heel touch forward, right foot cross in front of left leg (just below knee)
27-30Right foot step forward, left foot kick forward, left foot step back, right toe touch back
31-34Step forward on right foot, pivot ½ turn to left, repeat
35-42Four forward shuffles starting on right foot