1-4Grapevine right, stomp or scuff left beside right.
5-8Grapevine left, stomp or scuff right beside left.
9-12Step back right-left-right, stomp left beside right.
13-14Jump up landing with feet shoulder width apart, jump up landing with feet together.
15-16Stomp left beside right, stomp right beside left.
17-18Step left forward 45 degrees to left, scuff right beside left.
19-20Step right forward 45 degrees to right, scuff left beside right.
21-22Step left forward & bump hips forward twice.
23-24Bump hips back twice.
25-26Bump hips forward, bump hips back.
27-28Bump hips forward, hitch right with ¼ turn to left.
5-8Grapevine left, stomp or scuff right beside left.
9-12Step back right-left-right, stomp left beside right.
13-14Jump up landing with feet shoulder width apart, jump up landing with feet together.
15-16Stomp left beside right, stomp right beside left.
17-18Step left forward 45 degrees to left, scuff right beside left.
19-20Step right forward 45 degrees to right, scuff left beside right.
21-22Step left forward & bump hips forward twice.
23-24Bump hips back twice.
25-26Bump hips forward, bump hips back.
27-28Bump hips forward, hitch right with ¼ turn to left.