CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Brett Johnston (UK)
Stay - Steven Gately
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1-2Walk forward left & right
3&4Shuffle forward left
5-6Walk forward right & left
7&8Shuffle forward right
9Rock forward left
10Rock back right
11&12Shuffle back left
13-16Rock back on to the right, forward onto the left, back onto the right forward onto the left
17Cross right in front of left
18Step back on the left
19&Step right to left cross left over right
20-22Repeat steps 17 - 19
23Point right foot to right side
24Switch feet right foot centered left pointing to left side
&25Bring left to right
26-28Bump hips down right, up left, down right
29Touch right toe forward
30Left toes forward
31Right toes forward
32Turn ¼ turn over the left shoulder
33Cross right over left
34Step left to left side
35Step right behind left
36Turn a ¼ turn to the left
37Step forward right
38Pivot turn ½ over the right shoulder
39Step forward right
40Pivot turn over the right shoulder (make sure weight is on the right foot)
41-44Click and bump hips


The tag comes after the 36th count of the 2nd wall. Do count 36 with right crossed behind left

1Unwind ½ a turn over the right shoulder

2Knees bent right arm straight down and left bent up so left hand is parallel with left shoulder
3Straiten legs and switch arms (left arm straight down right arm bent hand parallel with corresponding shoulder)
4Step left out to left side head down arms crossed straight down right over left
5Bring head up
6-8Switch weight from legs (from left to right to left)
9Bring left arm straight out to left side
10Do the same with the right
11Bring arms in front of face (as a boxer would to defend himself)
&Bring arms straight out
12Same as count 4 but don't step out
13Bring head up
14Lean out to left
15Turn ¼ turn leaning forward weight on right foot
16Turn ½ a turn over the left shoulder on the ball of right foot weight on the right foot


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