1&2Kick right foot forward, lift right knee, step right foot forward
Using contra-body motion for style
3&4Kick left foot forward, lift left knee, step left foot forward
Using contra-body motion for style
5-6Step right foot forward, make ½ turn left on right while lifting left knee
7&8&Make ¼ turn left and step left foot forward, make ¼ left and step right foot back, step left foot next to right, step back on right foot
1&2Touch left heel forward, step left foot center, making ¼ turn left step right foot to right side
3&4(C bump) bump hips upward and right, bump hips left, bump hips right and downward
&5Step left foot next to right foot, step right foot across and in front of left foot
6-7Rock side left on left foot, recover to right foot
8&1Cross left foot in front of right foot tripling side right
2-3Rock side right on right foot, recover to left foot
4Make ½ turn right on left foot and step right foot to right side
&5Step left foot next to right foot, step right foot across and in front of left foot
6-7Jazz walk forward left, jazz walk forward right
8Make ¾ turn right on right foot lifting left knee up and pushing hips back
&1-2Step back on left foot, step right next to left foot, step left foot forward
3&4Making ¼ turn left, triple side right (right, left, right)
5-6In the style of a "Shorty George" step forward left, step forward right
7&8Rock forward left, recover onto right foot, step left foot next to right foot
Using contra-body motion for style
3&4Kick left foot forward, lift left knee, step left foot forward
Using contra-body motion for style
5-6Step right foot forward, make ½ turn left on right while lifting left knee
7&8&Make ¼ turn left and step left foot forward, make ¼ left and step right foot back, step left foot next to right, step back on right foot
1&2Touch left heel forward, step left foot center, making ¼ turn left step right foot to right side
3&4(C bump) bump hips upward and right, bump hips left, bump hips right and downward
&5Step left foot next to right foot, step right foot across and in front of left foot
6-7Rock side left on left foot, recover to right foot
8&1Cross left foot in front of right foot tripling side right
2-3Rock side right on right foot, recover to left foot
4Make ½ turn right on left foot and step right foot to right side
&5Step left foot next to right foot, step right foot across and in front of left foot
6-7Jazz walk forward left, jazz walk forward right
8Make ¾ turn right on right foot lifting left knee up and pushing hips back
&1-2Step back on left foot, step right next to left foot, step left foot forward
3&4Making ¼ turn left, triple side right (right, left, right)
5-6In the style of a "Shorty George" step forward left, step forward right
7&8Rock forward left, recover onto right foot, step left foot next to right foot