1Right steps forward
2Left knee bends, slap left foot out to left side with left hand
3Step forward left
4Right out to right side & slap with right hand
5Touch right forward
6Slap right out to right with right hand
7Step back on right
8Slap left out to left with left hand
1Step left to left
2Right cross behind left
3Left step left with ¼ turn left
4Right cross behind left, slap with left hand
5-7Walk back right, left, right
8Left cross behind right, slap with right hand
1Left cross front and slap with right hand
2Step left next to right
3Right cross behind and slap with left hand
4Step right next to left
5Left cross front and slap with left hand
6Left step next to right
7Right cross behind and slap with left hand
8Right step next to left
1-2Bump hips to right twice
3-4Bump hips to left twice
5Right heel touch forward
6Right out to right and slap with right hand
7Right heel touch forward
8Right out to right and slap with right hand
2Left knee bends, slap left foot out to left side with left hand
3Step forward left
4Right out to right side & slap with right hand
5Touch right forward
6Slap right out to right with right hand
7Step back on right
8Slap left out to left with left hand
1Step left to left
2Right cross behind left
3Left step left with ¼ turn left
4Right cross behind left, slap with left hand
5-7Walk back right, left, right
8Left cross behind right, slap with right hand
1Left cross front and slap with right hand
2Step left next to right
3Right cross behind and slap with left hand
4Step right next to left
5Left cross front and slap with left hand
6Left step next to right
7Right cross behind and slap with left hand
8Right step next to left
1-2Bump hips to right twice
3-4Bump hips to left twice
5Right heel touch forward
6Right out to right and slap with right hand
7Right heel touch forward
8Right out to right and slap with right hand