1-5Grapevine right, stomp left next to right twice.
6-10Grapevine left, stomp right next to left twice.
11-12Kick right forward, touch right ball to left instep.
13-14Shift weight to left, stomp right next to left.
15-16Kick left forward, touch left ball to right instep.
17-18Shift weight to right, stomp left next to right.
19-20Slide right forward with hip bump twice.
21-22Left hip bump to rear twice.
23-26Hip bump to right, left, right, left.
27&28Shuffle forward right-left-right.
29-32Step forward left, right, hitch left, slap knee with right hand.
33-34Touch left flat on floor, hitch left, slap knee with right hand.
35-36Step left slightly forward, cross right up behind left
&Slap heel with left hand.
37&38Shuffle right-left-right turning ½ to right.
39-48Repeat step 29-38.
49-52Step forward left, right, stomp left next to right, pause 1 beat.
53-54Left hip bump to side twice.
6-10Grapevine left, stomp right next to left twice.
11-12Kick right forward, touch right ball to left instep.
13-14Shift weight to left, stomp right next to left.
15-16Kick left forward, touch left ball to right instep.
17-18Shift weight to right, stomp left next to right.
19-20Slide right forward with hip bump twice.
21-22Left hip bump to rear twice.
23-26Hip bump to right, left, right, left.
27&28Shuffle forward right-left-right.
29-32Step forward left, right, hitch left, slap knee with right hand.
33-34Touch left flat on floor, hitch left, slap knee with right hand.
35-36Step left slightly forward, cross right up behind left
&Slap heel with left hand.
37&38Shuffle right-left-right turning ½ to right.
39-48Repeat step 29-38.
49-52Step forward left, right, stomp left next to right, pause 1 beat.
53-54Left hip bump to side twice.