1-6Stomp right, kick right, walk backward right-left-right, touch left beside right
7&8Shuffle forward left-right-left
9&10Shuffle forward right-left-right
11&12Shuffle forward left-right-left
13-14Step forward on right, make ½ pivot to the left (shift weight onto left)
15-16Step forward on right, make ½ pivot to the left (shift weight onto left)
17-18Step forward on right, make ½ pivot to the left (shift weight onto left)
19-22Vine to the right, scuff left
23-26Vine to the left with a ¼ turn to the left, stomp right beside left
27-28Squiggle both heels to right, return both heels to center
1-2Twist both heels to the left, back home
3-4Right stomp, right kick
5-6-7Step back: right-left-right
8Touch back left
9-10Left shuffle forward (left-right-left)
11-12Right shuffle forward (right-left-right)
13-14Left shuffle forward (left-right-left)
15-16Right military turn (step forward with right, turn ½ turn carrying weight forward onto left)
17-18Right military turn
19-20Right military turn
21-23Right grapevine (sidestep right, cross left behind, sidestep right)
24Hitch left
25-27Left grapevine (sidestep left, cross right behind, sidestep left)
28Stomp right
7&8Shuffle forward left-right-left
9&10Shuffle forward right-left-right
11&12Shuffle forward left-right-left
13-14Step forward on right, make ½ pivot to the left (shift weight onto left)
15-16Step forward on right, make ½ pivot to the left (shift weight onto left)
17-18Step forward on right, make ½ pivot to the left (shift weight onto left)
19-22Vine to the right, scuff left
23-26Vine to the left with a ¼ turn to the left, stomp right beside left
27-28Squiggle both heels to right, return both heels to center
1-2Twist both heels to the left, back home
3-4Right stomp, right kick
5-6-7Step back: right-left-right
8Touch back left
9-10Left shuffle forward (left-right-left)
11-12Right shuffle forward (right-left-right)
13-14Left shuffle forward (left-right-left)
15-16Right military turn (step forward with right, turn ½ turn carrying weight forward onto left)
17-18Right military turn
19-20Right military turn
21-23Right grapevine (sidestep right, cross left behind, sidestep right)
24Hitch left
25-27Left grapevine (sidestep left, cross right behind, sidestep left)
28Stomp right