CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Rockin' Clap

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Lois Sturgeon (AUS)
Baby Once I Get You - Scooter Lee
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1-2On ball of right (weight left) twist right heel to left & forward, bending left knee twist right heel right
3-4On ball of right foot (weight left) twist right heel left & forward step right in place bending left knee
5-6On ball of left (weight right) twist left heel to right & forward, bending right knee twist left heel left
7-8On ball of left foot (weight right) twist left heel right & forward step left in place bending right knee
1On ball of right foot (weight on left) twist right heel to left & forward
2Step onto right in place bending left knee
3On ball of left foot (weight on right) twist left heel to right & forward
4Step onto left in place bending right knee
5-6Jump back on right, jump back left (feet parallel & shoulders width apart)
7-8Twist heels towards each other, twist heels out
1-2Step back right turning ¼ right, tap left next to right clapping once
3-4Step left forward turning ¼ left (to face original wall),tap right next to left clapping once
5-6Step forward right, turning ¼ left, tap left next to right clapping once
7&8Step left back turning ¼ right (to face original wall),tap right next to left clapping twice
1-8Repeat last 8 beats
1&2Step right heel to right side, step on right toe, step ball of left foot behind right(body faces front)
3&4-5&6Repeat last 2 beats twice
7&8Step right heel to right side drop right toe, scuff left next to right
1&2Step left heel to left side, step on left toe, step ball of right foot behind left(body faces front)
3&4-5&6Repeat last 2 beats twice
7&8Step left heel to left side drop left toe, scuff right next to left turning ¼ left
1-2Step ball of right across left, step down on right heel
3-4Step left back, step right to right side (feet shoulders width apart & parallel)
5-6Step ball of left across right, step down on left heel
7-8Step right back, step left to left side (feet shoulders width apart & parallel)
1-2Step ball of right forward at 45 degrees right, step right heel down
3-4Step ball of left forward at 45 degrees left, step left heel down
5-6Step right back, step left back next to right
7-8Jump forward on right, jump forward left (feet shoulders width apart & parallel)



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