1&2Step right foot forward to right 45 degrees and sway hips to the right-left-right
3&4Step left foot forward to left 45 degrees and sway hips to the left-right-left
5-6Rock-step right forward, replace weight backward onto left
7&8Make a ½ turn right using three steps right-left-right
1-2Stomp left foot to the left side, hold
3-4Roll hips to the left full turn ending with weight on left foot
5&6Step right behind left, step left to the side, step right to the side
7&8Step left behind right, step right to the side, step left to the side
1-2Step right foot forward, ¼ turn to the left (ending with weight on left)
3-4Step right foot forward, ¼ turn to the left (ending with weight on left)
5-6&Step right forward to right 45 degrees, lock left behind right, step right forward to right 45 degrees
7-8&Step left forward to left 45 degrees, lock right behind left, step left forward to left 45 degrees
1-4Step right to the side, step left behind right, step right to the side, touch left beside right
5-8Step left to the side, step right behind left, making a ¼ left step forward on left, touch right beside left
3&4Step left foot forward to left 45 degrees and sway hips to the left-right-left
5-6Rock-step right forward, replace weight backward onto left
7&8Make a ½ turn right using three steps right-left-right
1-2Stomp left foot to the left side, hold
3-4Roll hips to the left full turn ending with weight on left foot
5&6Step right behind left, step left to the side, step right to the side
7&8Step left behind right, step right to the side, step left to the side
1-2Step right foot forward, ¼ turn to the left (ending with weight on left)
3-4Step right foot forward, ¼ turn to the left (ending with weight on left)
5-6&Step right forward to right 45 degrees, lock left behind right, step right forward to right 45 degrees
7-8&Step left forward to left 45 degrees, lock right behind left, step left forward to left 45 degrees
1-4Step right to the side, step left behind right, step right to the side, touch left beside right
5-8Step left to the side, step right behind left, making a ¼ left step forward on left, touch right beside left