1-4Right hook
5-8Right toe touch to side, right foot lift behind left leg touching heel with left hand (both twice)
9-12Right grapevine
13-16Left hook
17-20Left toe touch to side, left foot lift behind right leg touching heel with right hand (both twice)
21-24Left grapevine
25-28Step forward on right foot, pivot ½ turn to left, step forward on right foot, pivot ¼ turn to left
29-32Right shuffle, left shuffle
33-36Step forward on right, left, right then stomp left beside right
37-40Pigeon toes (twice)
5-8Right toe touch to side, right foot lift behind left leg touching heel with left hand (both twice)
9-12Right grapevine
13-16Left hook
17-20Left toe touch to side, left foot lift behind right leg touching heel with right hand (both twice)
21-24Left grapevine
25-28Step forward on right foot, pivot ½ turn to left, step forward on right foot, pivot ¼ turn to left
29-32Right shuffle, left shuffle
33-36Step forward on right, left, right then stomp left beside right
37-40Pigeon toes (twice)