1-2Touch right toe to side with right knee turned in, turn right knee out and kick right leg at 45 degrees
3&4Cross right foot over left and step right-left-right on the spot (cha, cha, cha)
5-6Touch left toe to side with left knee turned in, turn left knee out and kick left leg at 45 degrees
7&8Cross left foot over right and step left-right-left on the spot (cha, cha, cha)
9-12Step back on right and drag left foot (heel raised) step back on left and drag right foot (heel raised)
13-16Rock back on right, rock forward on left, shuffle forward right-left-right
17-18Step left to side, step right on the spot
19-20Cross left over right and side shuffle left-right-left
21-22Step right to side, step left on the spot
23-24Cross right over left and side shuffle right-left-right
25-28Step left to side and hold, step right behind left and hold
29-32Step left to side, pivot ½ turn to left, step right to side. Step left on the spot pivot ½ turn to left, step right to side
33-36Step left behind right and hold, step right to side and hold
37-40Cross left over right, pivot ¾ turn right, shuffle forward left-right-left
3&4Cross right foot over left and step right-left-right on the spot (cha, cha, cha)
5-6Touch left toe to side with left knee turned in, turn left knee out and kick left leg at 45 degrees
7&8Cross left foot over right and step left-right-left on the spot (cha, cha, cha)
9-12Step back on right and drag left foot (heel raised) step back on left and drag right foot (heel raised)
13-16Rock back on right, rock forward on left, shuffle forward right-left-right
17-18Step left to side, step right on the spot
19-20Cross left over right and side shuffle left-right-left
21-22Step right to side, step left on the spot
23-24Cross right over left and side shuffle right-left-right
25-28Step left to side and hold, step right behind left and hold
29-32Step left to side, pivot ½ turn to left, step right to side. Step left on the spot pivot ½ turn to left, step right to side
33-36Step left behind right and hold, step right to side and hold
37-40Cross left over right, pivot ¾ turn right, shuffle forward left-right-left