CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Raise Yer Hands (P)

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Roy East (UK)
Country Boy - Jimmy Nail
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Position: Modified Right Open Promenade (without holding; inside hands) facing LOD

1MAN: Walk forward on left foot
 LADY: Walk forward on right foot
2MAN: Walk forward on right foot
 LADY: Walk forward on left foot
3MAN: Walk forward on left foot
 LADY: Walk forward on right foot
Raise hands in the air
4MAN: Hop on left foot while hitching right knee
 LADY: Hop on right foot while hitching left knee
Bring hands down to sides
5MAN: Walk forward on right foot
 LADY: Walk forward on left foot
6MAN: Walk forward on left foot
 LADY: Walk forward on right foot
7MAN: Walk forward on right foot
 LADY: Walk forward on left foot
Raise hands in the air
8MAN: Hop on right foot while hitching left knee
 LADY: Hop on left foot while hitching right knee
Bring hands down to sides

9MAN: Step to the left on left foot
 LADY: Step to the right on right foot
10MAN: Cross right foot behind left and step
 LADY: Cross left foot behind right and step
11MAN: Step to the left on left foot
 LADY: Step to the right on right foot
12MAN: Hop on left foot while hitching right knee
 LADY: Hop on right foot while hitching left knee
Bring hands down to sides
13MAN: Step to the right on right foot
 LADY: Step to the left on left foot
14MAN: Cross left foot behind right and step
 LADY: Cross right foot behind left and step
15MAN: Step to the right on right making a ¼ turn to the right with the step
 LADY: Step to the left on left foot making a ¼ turn to the left with the step
Partners now face each other (man is facing OLOD and lady is facing ILOD). Man takes lady's left hand in his right
16MAN: Touch left toe next to right foot
 LADY: Touch right toe next to left foot

Man raises lady's left hand in his right

11MAN: Step to the left on left foot
 LADY: Step to the right on right foot and begin a full turn to the left traveling toward LOD
18MAN: Cross right foot behind left and step
 LADY: Step on left foot and continue full to the left rolling turn
19MAN: Step to the left on left foot
 LADY: Step on right foot and complete full to the left rolling turn
20MAN: Touch right toe next to left foot
 LADY: Touch left toe next to right foot
21MAN: Step to the right on right
 LADY: Step on left foot and begin a 1 ¼ to the right rolling turn traveling toward RLOD
22MAN: Cross left foot behind right and step
 LADY: Step on right foot and continue full to the right rolling turn
23MAN: Step to the right on right foot making a ¼ turn to the left with the step
 LADY: Step on right foot and complete 1 ¼ to the right rolling turn
Bring man's right and lady's left hands down
24MAN: Kick left foot forward
 LADY: Kick right foot forward
Partners are now in the normal Right Open Promenade position (inside hands joined) face LOD

25MAN: Step forward on left foot
 LADY: Step forward on right foot
26MAN: Step forward on right foot
 LADY: Step forward on left foot
27MAN: Step forward on left foot
 LADY: Step forward on right foot
28MAN: Scoot forward on left foot while kicking right forward
 LADY: Scoot forward on right foot while kicking left foot forward
29MAN: Step forward on right foot
 LADY: Step forward on left foot
30MAN: Step forward on left foot
 LADY: Step forward on right foot
31MAN: Step forward on right foot
 LADY: Step forward on left foot
32MAN: Scoot forward on right foot while kicking left foot forward
 LADY: Scoot forward on left foot while kicking right foot forward

Man and lady make this turn in tandem, remaining in the Right Open Promenade position

33MAN: Step on left foot and begin a ¼ turn to the left
 LADY: Step forward on right foot and begin a ¼ walking turn to the left
34MAN: Step on right foot and continue ¼ turn to the left
 LADY: Step forward on left foot and continue ¼ walking turn to the left
35MAN: Step on left foot and complete ¼ turn to the left
 LADY: Step forward on right foot and complete ¼ walking turn to the left
Partners now face ILOD in the Right Open Promenade position
36MAN: Touch right toe next to left foot
 LADY: Touch left toe next to right foot
While maintaining inside hands with partner, man takes up the right hand of the lady to his left and the lady takes up the left hand of the man to her right. All dancers have joined hands and are in one big circle facing ILOD
37MAN: Walk forward on right foot
 LADY: Walk forward on left foot
38MAN: Walk forward on left foot
 LADY: Walk forward on right foot
39MAN: Walk forward on right foot
 LADY: Walk forward on left foot
40MAN: Kick left foot forward
 LADY: Kick right foot forward

41MAN: Step left foot next to right
 LADY: Step right foot next to left
42MAN: Kick right foot forward
 LADY: Kick left foot forward
43MAN: Step right foot next to left
 LADY: Step left foot next to right
44MAN: Kick left foot forward
 LADY: Kick right foot forward
45MAN: Walk back on left foot
 LADY: Walk back on right foot
46MAN: Walk back on right foot
 LADY: Walk back on left foot
47MAN: Walk back on left foot
 LADY: Walk back on right foot
48MAN: Touch right toe next to left foot
 LADY: Touch left toe next to right foot
Man releases the right hand of the lady to his left while the lady releases the left hand of the man to her right. At this juncture, partners are still in the right open promenade position facing ILOD

Man raises lady's left hand in his right

49MAN: Step to the right on right foot and begin a ¼ to the right toward LOD
 LADY: Cross left foot over right and begin a 1 ¼ turn to the right rolling turn toward LOD
50MAN: Step forward on left foot and continue ¼ turn to the right
 LADY: Step on right foot and continue 1 ¼ turn to the right
51MAN: Step forward on right foot and complete ¼ turn to the right
 LADY: Step on left foot and complete 1 ¼ turn to the right
Partners release all hands. Raise both hands in the air
52MAN: Hop on right foot while hitching left knee
 LADY: Hop on left foot while hitching right knee



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